Xinjiang Production &Construction Corps is also the key component of Xinjiang.
新疆生产建设兵团也是新疆的重要组成部分。 |
Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is an area inhabited by various minority groups.
美丽的新疆是一个多民族聚集的地方。 |
Xinlin Dong, Associate Professor, Archeology Department, Society Science Institute of China. Team Leader of Archeology Project at Inner Mongolia.
董新林,中国社会科学院考古研究所副研究员。中国社会科学院考古研究所边疆民族与宗教研究室,内蒙古工作队队长。 |
Xinlong wood work Factory was found in 1988.Manufacture wooden music stand and music case .
兴隆木制品加工厂成立于1988年,是专业生产销售高档木制乐谱架及乐器盒类的私营企业。 |
Xinmin Evening has become the 35 in the global top one hundred daily and is also the only comprehensive paper that is listed in Shanghai development zone.
新民晚报已跻身全球日报百强的第35位,并且是上海开发区唯一入围的综合性报纸. |
Xinmin Weekly: So is there in fact any link between the Damaidi rock carvings and the origin of Chinese characters?
《新民周刊》:那大麦地的岩画与汉字起源到底有没有关系呢? |
Xinsha, Xingang and Huangpu are major ore discharge operators.
新沙、新港和黄埔公司是集团接卸矿石的主要作业公司。 |
Xinshijie Package Materials(Shanghai)Co.,Ltd., invested by Hong Kong Shunxing Group,is an enterprise professionally engaged in production,process and sale of varied color package boxes printed by watermarking,offset printing and etc.
新世杰包装材料(上海)有限公司是由香港顺兴集团投资的专业生产、加工和销售各类水印、胶印等彩色包装箱的企业。 |
Xintai Fastener the product type to be complete, quality fine price preferential benefit.
信泰紧固件的产品种类齐全,质优价廉。 |
Xinxiang is one of the 6 credit cities and hundred economic cities.It is the centre city in the middle of China to manufacture and produce electronic components and it is the center city of northern transport network.
新乡是全国六个信用城市之一,全国经济综合实力百强市,是中原成群中的制造加工及电子电源行业生产基地和北部仓储物流中心。 |
Xinyang soar development corporation, Ltd. farming and animal husbandry whether agricultural, woods herd products and the planting, cultivate, produce, weaves of raw materials.
信阳腾飞农牧业开发有限公司是以农、林、牧产品及原料的种植、养殖、生产、编织为一体的出口公司。 |