Taken into consideration the specific features of the complex highland airfields and airlines in western china ,this thesis presents certain analysis as well as management strategies and methods for aircraft take-off and landing performance, drift-down wi
针对中国西部地区高原复杂机场及航线的特点,对飞机起飞和着陆性能进行了分析,对航路中-发失效的飘降和客舱释压的供氧提出了分析和管理的策略。 |
Taken literally, this does not make much sense as the parts of the coast which have not been “opened” are simply not ready for the demands of foreign businessman.
从字面上理解,这并没有多大意义,因为还没“开放”的沿海地区还不能满足外商的需求。 |
Taken off fattiness of milk and general milk have protein and mineral substance as much, but it has wiped off that fattiness.
脱脂奶与普通牛奶含有同样多的蛋白质和矿物质,但已把其中的脂肪去除了。 |
Taken part in hotel arrangement before practice and hotel stars assessment of “philharmonic hotel of SCCM”.
曾亲身参与川音爱乐酒店开业前筹备及星级评定工作,熟悉酒店开业前筹备及星级评定程序。 |
Taken photos can alternatively be saved with higher, normal or lower image quality.
轮流相片能二者择一地与比较高的,正常的或比较低的图像质量一起解救。 |
Taken separately, the problems are not difficult to solve.
分开来处理,这些问题不难解决。 |
Taken together, these two dilemmas create a puzzle for moral philosophers: What makes it morally acceptable to sacrifice one life to save five in the trolley dilemma but not in the footbridge dilemma?
方舟子的中文写作:“为什么同样是牺牲一个人拯救五个人,人们却会做出不同的道德判断?” |
Taken together, these two sides equal one round turn per unit of volume.
它们结合在一起,双方就等于一个交易的成交量。 |
Taken together, they form a consensus view of software architecture.
把他们和起来,就形成了软件架构的一致观点。 |
Takeouts are notoriously high in fat and sodium, while drinking 2 glasses (12 fl oz) of beer a day adds up to 110,000 calories a year - the equivalent of 31 pounds of body fat tissue.
外卖是臭名昭著的垃圾食品,脂肪含量非常高,而且含钠量也很多;一年中每天喝两杯啤酒能增加110000的卡路里=31磅的肥肉,哇咔咔。 |
Takeover of a company using borrowed funds.
用贷款收购一家公司。 |