His economic policies paved the way for industrial expansion.
他的经济政策为工业的扩展铺平了道路. |
His economic views and financial reform measurements have great influence on the afterworld.
他的经济思想及财政改革措施对后代影响深远。 |
His economic views have a lot in common with market economy in a sense.
他的经济思想在一定程度上有了市场经济的色彩。 |
His edition makes Literary Position one of the most household and far-reaching significant national literary periodicals.
他的编辑工作使《文艺阵地》成为抗战时期普及最广、影响最深远的全国性文艺刊物之一。 |
His editoral principles mainly incarnates as follows: his editoral guiding ideology is the study between universe and human being, and know the change between ancient and today; edite and select material widey, while check material cautiously; recod tody
司马迁的编辑思想主要体现为:“究天人之际,通古今之变”为其编辑指导思想;编辑选材广泛,考订审慎;“详今薄古”为其重要的编辑原则;兼容并包为其编辑气魄的鲜明特色。 |
His education enabled him to get a high-paying job.
他受的教育使他得到了一份高薪工作。 |
His educational ideas and practice is still significant for the present reforms of higher education.
他的教育思想及其实践,对于深化当前我国高等教育改革仍具有借鉴意义。 |
His efforts backfire however, and his school becomes one of the highest ranked in the nation.
但是没有想到的是,他的努力竟然得到的是反效果,他使自己的学校成为了全国最顶尖的学校之一。 |
His efforts ended in failure.
他的努力终告失败了。 |
His efforts to nominate a foreign minister were repeatedly frustrated, as was his foreign policy itself.
他试图提名一位外交部长又遭到挫折,而他的外交政策也同样没落得好下场。 |
His efforts to produce his own movies have been unsuccessful, mainly, he said, because he refuses to appeal to commercial mediocrity.
他努力想要制作一部自己的电影,但尚未成功,他说主要是因为他不想求那些商业庸才们帮忙。 |