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In addition, the extract of M. arvensis could inhibit the growth of fungal mycelium.

In addition, the enterprise offers Sinter, Gases, Catalysts and Catalysts. 另外,公司也提供烧块、烧结、热防护、绝热、热绝缘以及催化剂。
In addition, the essay brings forth a few policy-related suggestions on promoting college girls' plauralistic development, at the same time expressing the hope that people will plunge into action to topple the boundary between margin and center and build 论文还就如何促进女大学生的多元发展提出了若干政策性建议,期望人们行动起来,打破边缘与中心的界限,共建性别平等的世界。
In addition, the etiology, the clinical manifestion, diagnosis and therapies of oral and maxillofacial tuberculosis were analyzed. 作者对口腔颌面部结核比病变的病因,临床表现,诊断及治疗结合文献进行了讨论。
In addition, the evoked responses could be inhibited by intralateroventricular microinjection of atropine. 侧脑室注射阿托品抑制扣带回前部神经元内脏痛觉诱发反应。
In addition, the expiration of a pharmaceutical patent does not extinguish the patentee's ability to obtain a higher price than the generic substitutes that come on line when his patent expires, because there may be substantial consumer and physician good 另外,制药专利期限的届满并不影响专利所有者比其它竞争者拥有更高的售价,因为其可能拥有一部分忠实的消费者而且善意的医师习惯于使用专利药物的商标-消费者,甚至医师,也可能不信任一般类的而宁愿选择以更高的价格购买原始品牌药物。
In addition, the extract of M. arvensis could inhibit the growth of fungal mycelium. 此外,薄荷提取液还能显著抑制菌丝生长,引致菌落发生变异。
In addition, the extractive distillation process with mixed solvents have a better performance and a wider use compared with that with single solvent in the same condition, and it can not only overcome conflict of single solvent's selectivity and solubili 另外,混合溶剂萃取精馏过程与简单溶剂萃取精馏过程相比,克服了简单萃取剂自身选择性与溶解性之间的矛盾,提升了萃取精馏工艺的分离效果及使用范围,并且没有增加原有工艺过程的复杂性。
In addition, the firm specializes in conflict resolution of environmental issues.The web site provides some introduction of its environmental services,desalination services, and some news reporting. 网站介绍了公司的服务内容,包括环境服务及水脱盐作用服务等,同时还提供了一些新闻报道、公司水政策及水资源规划等方面等内容。
In addition, the following table lists the values that are set for members of the D3DCAPS9 structure for a device in software vertex processing mode. 此外,下表列出设备在软件顶点处理模式中需设置的D3DCAPS9结构的成员的值。
In addition, the government increases the revenue by imposing taxes. 除此之外,政府通过征税使财政收入增加。如不对,这句话应如何翻译?
In addition, the handset claims a battery life of up to three hours for TV viewing. 同时在观看电视时还具有3小时的电池使用时间。

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