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EXAMPLE: 2. Being an accountant was too humdrum for the ambitious young executive, so she quit after less than a year and looked for a more exciting job.

EX:The mother combed the child's hair. 母亲梳理了孩子的头发。
EX:This was my first time to go out with just face powder,blush,and lip gloss. (这是我第一次只扑蜜粉,涂腮红,擦唇蜜就出门了。)
EXACTLY when humanity became artistic is much debated by palaeo-anthropologists. 在古人类学家中人类具有艺术审美观的确切时间存在很大的争论。
EXAMPLE : The global economy pulled out of recession in 2002 and is predicted to grow this year by about 4 percent. The threat of deflation has receded, yet inflation remains subdued. 例证:全球经济步出了2002年时的衰退,预计今年将增长4%左右。通货紧缩的威胁消退了,通货膨胀也处在掌控之中。
EXAMPLE: 1. After several humdrum years working as an accountant, the young executive was delighted by the daily challenges he found when he moved into his company's marketing department. 这位年轻的经理人在做了几年单调乏味的会计工作后调到公司销售部,他对每天所面对的挑战感到兴奋。
EXAMPLE: 2. Being an accountant was too humdrum for the ambitious young executive, so she quit after less than a year and looked for a more exciting job. 这位年轻的经理人在做了几年单调乏味的会计工作后调到公司销售部,他对每天所面对的挑战感到兴奋。
EXAMPLE: A flextime policy at our company permitted many working couples to spend more time with their children. 我们公司的弹性工作制政策使得许多双职工家庭有更多的时间与孩子在一起。
EXAMPLE: A young person in sales can learn a lot if he or she will string along with an experienced salesman on visits to customers. 从事销售的年青人,如果跟随有经验的销售员接触一段时间客户,能学到很多东西。
EXAMPLE: After several discussions, the rival companies have finally agreed to merge and plan to firm up the deal at a meeting next week. 在几次讨论之后,曾经互为对手的公司最终同意合并,并计划在下周开会时落实这笔交易。
EXAMPLE: After the back-door listing is complete, PCCW will have a 93 percent stake in Dong Fang Gas, which means the company must swiftly arrange a share placement to bring its free float to at least 25per cent in accordance with stock exchange rules. 例证:‘买壳上市”完成后,电讯盈科将拥有东方燃气93%的股权,这意味着公司必须迅速安排配售,因为依照证券交易所规定,股票的市场流通量至少要达到25%。
EXAMPLE: As his legacy, the President strove to establish world peace and prosperity. 这位总统对历史的贡献是致力于世界和平和繁荣事业。

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