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The whole tool adopts high-quality high-speed steel,which has got balanced hardening treatment,and 130 ° appropriate angle design.It can quickly lead in screw groove reduce resistance and improve corking efficiency.

The whole thing is planed by her secretly. 这事从头至尾都是她秘密策划的。
The whole thing is tragic. 整件事是个悲剧。
The whole thing is unusual from beginning to end. 整个事情自始至终都异乎寻常。
The whole thing smelled dreadful. 它们发出阵阵恶臭。
The whole thing was incomprehensible. 整件事情都是让人无法理解的。
The whole tool adopts high-quality high-speed steel,which has got balanced hardening treatment,and 130 ° appropriate angle design.It can quickly lead in screw groove reduce resistance and improve corking efficiency. 整体采用优质高速钢材质,经均衡硬化处理,130°合理角度设计,能快速导入螺旋沟槽,减少阻力,提高工作效率。
The whole town is in a festal mood. 全镇沉浸在节日的气氛之中。
The whole town is in a festive mood. 全镇沉浸在节日的气氛之中。
The whole town is/are against the plan. 全体镇民都反对这项计划。
The whole town turned out for the parade. 全镇都出来参加游行。
The whole truck is under repeated antirust pickling, then goes through high temperature pre-painting, antirust and anti-corrosion process. 全车经多道酸洗防锈处理,再经高温烤漆,防锈、防蚀。

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