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Player: A thousand? For one man?

Player uses the phone screen in portrait or landscape mode, utilizing full screen size of the device. 用户可以选择横板或者纵版观赏模式,可以在手机上自行变换。
Player uses the phone screen in portrait or landscape mode, utilizing the full screen size of the device. 使用肖像模式或风景模式(更像是横屏或纵屏),进行全屏观看.
Player vs Player: Other players will be chilled, not frozen. 玩家对玩家的效果:对手仅仅被冻僵,而不会被冻结。
Player's select party member to be summoned and right click the stone. 玩家选择需要召唤的队友,然后右键点击集合石。
Player-controlled Ghouls no longer turn off pathing against units when they are instructed to harvest lumber. 玩家控制的食尸鬼不再能以采木头的方式穿越其他单位.
Player: A thousand? For one man? 一千个?对付..一个人?
Players are freezing the cells taken from the umbilical cord blood of their babies as a possible future cure for cartilage and ligament problems. 球员将孩子脐带血中的干细胞冷冻,以便今后可以用于治愈软骨和韧带疾病。
Players at a Romanian first division club will be forced to take lie detector tests after losing two matches. 在罗马尼亚足球甲级联赛中,布加勒斯特民族队上星期连续输掉了两场比赛,该队球员将于近期被迫接受测谎仪的测试。
Players can alter the game time without altering the DS system time. This means you can play the game's days when it is night in real life, for example. 可以改变游戏中的时间而不必改变DS本体的时间。例如实际时间是晚上,你也仍然可以在游戏中处于白天。
Players can no longer send gift wrapped packages via COD. 付款取信中不再能寄包裹。
Players can now curve, shank and slice the ball depending on the situation. 球员现在能根据情况扭球,转球,削球。

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