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Although Miss Brown is not a good worker; her boss does not fire her because she has something on him.

Although Marx does not elaboration fair question systemly, the fair thought which is manifestsed in his classics has the important guiding sense for the fuzzy even chaotic fair idea without doubt. 摘要马克思虽没有系统地阐述公平问题,但在其经典著作中所闪现出来的公平思想对于当下模糊甚至是混乱的公平观念无疑具有重要意义。
Although Marx's irony embodied the same subjectivity as romantic irony, it was practical irony rather than aesthetic. 摘要浪漫反讽与马克思的反讽虽然都共同体现着一种强烈的主体性,但马克思的反讽不是审美反讽,而是实践反讽。
Although Mercury has 13 or 14 transits every century, it was not a suitable candidate for either Halley's parallax method or the variations devised by later astronomers. 水星虽然每百年会发生13~14次的凌日,但却不适用于哈雷的视差法或后来天文学家的其他改良方法。
Although Microsoft has made improvements that allow people to specifically manage add-ons in IE6, the majority of users are still unaware of how to use any of these features. 尽管微软已经做了改进允许人们管理IE6的插件,大多数用户仍然不知道如何使用这些特性。
Although Middleton has insisted that she is no Princess Diana,she certainly seems to be dressing for the part that the iconic Spencer played so well. 尽管凯特一再表示,她“不是戴安娜王妃”,但她的衣着打扮显然是戴安娜曾经的风格。
Although Miss Brown is not a good worker; her boss does not fire her because she has something on him. 尽管布朗小姐工作不努力,可老板也未将其解雇,因为她攥着老板的把柄。
Although Mother's Day is now a very commercial holiday, we should remember that the best present for our mother is to show our gratefulness and filial piety. 虽然现在母亲节已经变成很具商业气息的节日,但我们应该记住,给母亲最好的礼物就是表达我们的感恩和孝道。
Although Mourinho explained it away on the basis of fitness alone, there seemed also a lack of finesse to Chelsea's play. 虽然老穆强调离开基地有些不适应,但是蓝军的配合还是显得不太融合。
Although Mourinho is bound to be reluctant to let the former Marseille star move on, a £6 million offer might force the Portuguese coach to think about cashing in on a player who will not be happy with a bit-part role next season. 尽管穆里尼奥肯定不愿依然前马赛球星离开,600万英镑的出价可能会迫使葡萄牙主教练考虑一下使用一名不情愿作为下赛季一部分的球员是否值得。
Although Mr Bonds has never tested positive for steroids, Clay Hensley, who pitched the ball with which he tied Mr Aaron's record, was once suspended for taking them. 庞兹在内固醇检测中从未有过阳性结果,同样地,投球纪录上和阿伦打成平手的韩斯利一度也被怀疑服用兴奋剂。
Although Mr Bush sounded mildly chastened when he spoke to the nation on November 8th, the day after the election, under America's constitution the conduct of foreign policy and defence lies squarely in the hands of the president, not of Congress. 尽管布什总统在11月8日,也就是选举后的第二天对国民讲话中的语气中变乖了很多,但是依据美国宪法,关于国外以及本土防御政策的制定施行仍然取决于总统而不是国会。

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