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That was very good,” he continued, “but afterwards everything was spoilt.

That was the way I wanted to go. 那才是我想要去的路。
That was the way minority nationalities were treated in old China. 那就是少数民族在旧中国如何被对待的情况.
That was the worst airline disaster in history. 那是历史上最严重的空难。
That was to be the great secret of abiding in Christ, of having the indwelling of Christ and of God, and of the Divine efficacy of their prayer to bring down God's blessing on all their work. 那就是住在基督里的伟大秘诀,也是得着神和基督内住的秘诀,且是有效的藉祷告把神的祝福带到他们一切工作上的伟大秘诀。
That was too easy, said I restively (for the nearer you were to Ruth, the nicer she was to be near to) since there were more Roman Catholics than Methodists anyway; and they couldn't be wrong, could they - not all those hundreds of millions? 这太简单了,我倔强地说(你越接近露丝,她就越好接近),罗马天主教徒也为数众多,他们也不可能是错的,他们有几亿人,可能都错了吗?
That was very good,” he continued, “but afterwards everything was spoilt. 那是非常好的,他接着说,但事后都被宠坏了.
That was very wicked of you. 你干的事可真缺德.
That was what Michael Dell, one of the computer industry's great innovators, told the Harvard Business Review in 1998. 这是`计算机业最伟大的创新者之—迈克尔?戴尔1998年对《哈佛商业评论》所讲的话。
That was what held us up through all the toughness. 那是支撑我们没有倒下去的全部。
That was what she did this morning on reaching the attic. 那就是她今晨上了阁楼干的。
That was when Pierre Fauchard published his book called The Surgeon Dentist. 也就是从皮埃尔·费查出版他的《牙外科医生》的时候起。

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