Tunick climbs a ladder to give the immodest Mexicans their instructions for the shoot.
图尼奇登上梯子告诉志愿者们如何在镜头前摆出他规定的动作。 |
Tunick, from Brooklyn, N.Y., has become famous for photographing thousands of naked people in public settings worldwide, from London and Vienna to Buenos Aires and Buffalo.
来自纽约布鲁克林的摄影师图尼克因在伦敦、维也纳、布宜诺斯艾利斯和布法罗等世界各地的公共场所举办有数千人参加的裸体摄影而世界闻名。 |
Tuning of player happiness with training.
调整了球员对训练的开心程度。 |
Tuning of virtual players playing in leagues running with Basic Detail.
调整了只开了基本细节程度的联赛中的虚拟球员(灰人)。 |
Tunnel Ventilation System(TVS) has already been selected into The National Spark Projects of 1994.
鸡舍纵向通风空调系统已列为1994年国家级星火项目。 |
Tunnel stove has three heated ways: gas heat, electricity heat, oil heat. Different customers can choose one of above heating ways according to their source of energy.
隧道式焙烤炉有三种采热方式:燃气、电加热和导热油。各地客户可根据本地能状况,因地制宜选用任一方式的焙烤炉。 |
Tunnelling under the English Channel is a big proposition .
在英吉利海峡海底凿隧道是一个大问题。 |
Tunnelling under the English Channel is a big proposition.
在英吉利海峡海底凿隧道是一个大问题。 |
Tupac Shakur dies six days after being shot in Las Vegas.
1996年的今天,图派克·沙克尔在于拉斯维加斯遭枪击六天后身亡。 |
Turbid, cloudy. Term applied to wine which is not clear because of the presence of large amounts of colloidal material or suspended particles.
浑浊的:用于描述存在大量的胶状物或悬浮颗粒而显得不澄清的葡萄酒。 |
Turbine Man represents the first death of a crash survivor on the island. He is sucked into the crashed plane's turbine.
(引擎男是岛上坠机幸存者中第一个死亡的,他被坠毁飞机的引擎卷了进去。) |