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The various components settle out at different rates in a centrifuge and are thus separated by appropriately altering the sped and /or time of centrifugation.

The variety of formants tracks of vowel of the first syllable in disyllables of mandarin is studied. 主要考察在汉语普通话双音节中,第一音节元音韵母和不同第二音节声母组合时对第一个音节元音共振峰轨迹的影响。
The variety of formations and the fact that they are concentrated in a restricted area means that the 712 caves currently identified make up a typical temperate-zone karstic system. 变化多端的岩层结构以及顺序排列在有限空间内的712个洞穴,为我们描绘出一幅温带喀斯特的神奇景观。
The variety of goods on sale in that shop is surprising. 那个商店的货物多的惊人。
The variety of tracery design has no limit. 漏窗设计不拘一格。
The various building programs add up to several thousand new homes. 各种各样的建筑项目构筑成了几千座新屋.
The various components settle out at different rates in a centrifuge and are thus separated by appropriately altering the sped and /or time of centrifugation. 在离心机中不同的离心速率和离心时间可以将不同的细胞组分分开。
The various definitions of homo econ have given rise to different schools of economics, such as the Classical, the Marginal, and the Neoclassical. 对资源、理性和欲望的关注点不同,则“经济人”的内涵也就不同,这使得经济学的研究经历了不同的流派沿革,例如古典学派、边际学派、新古典学派等。
The various departments concerned should strengthen their administration organizations for intellectual property affairs in the organizational reform and sort out interdepartmental relations. 各有关部门要在机构改革中加强知识产权的管理机构并理顺关系。
The various design parameters are introduced before moving on to a six-segment airfoil. 各设计参数介绍转学至六部分机翼.
The various examinations of the wholesale and retail bookstores, such as adult college entrance examination, the education ministry, registered accountants, academic diploma, equivalent, computer grading of examinations, civil service examinations, a mast 本书店批发零售各类考试用书,如成人高考、高教自考、注册会计师、学历文凭、同等学历、计算机等级考试、公务员考试、硕士研究生考试、剑桥英语、大学英语四六级等。
The various forms of cooperative economy in the cities and towns, such as those in the handicraft, industrial, building, transport, commercial and service trades, all belong to the sector of socialist economy under collective ownership by the working peop 城镇中的手工业、工业、建筑业、运输业、商业、服务业等行业的各种形式的合作经济,都是社会主义劳动群众集体所有制经济。

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