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Sonographic characteristics of the labral plicae entrapment syndrome of hip in children

Some students also pay little attention to cultural knowledge, which leads to an ineffective language learning and, as a result, they may offend the foreigners because of lack of cultural knowledge. 我国有不少学生在学习英语时,为了省时省力也会忽视对文化的学习,结果学习效果不好,而且在交际中常会冒犯对方,引起文化冲突,造成双方不愉快。
Some theories argue that there must be strict limits on the precondition, mode, effect and termination of the punishment which deprive lives,freedom,property and honor. 在生命刑、自由刑、财产刑等刑罚,对其适用前提、适用方式、适用效果及适用阻却诸方面,多锢以极其严格之条件。
Some varieties such as Hohsui(genotype is S S), Kikusui (SS) , Kohsui (SS) and Nijisseiki(SS) were used to make various pollination combinations. Pollens were labeled with Fluo- AM at low temperature. 选用生产上栽培的砂梨(Pyrus serotina Rehd.)品种‘丰水’(Hohsui)(基因型S_ S_)、‘菊水’(Kikusui)(S_S_)、‘幸水’(Kohsui)(S_S_)和‘二十世纪’(Nijisseiki)(S_S_)为试材,进行自花或异花授粉处理。
Somehow,it indicates the deepen of the research. 从某种程度上说这是研究深化的标志。
Somite is the source of axial bone, skeletal muscle and hypodermis. 体节(S)是中轴骨骼、骨骼肌及真皮组织的来源,从H到S的过渡结构为体节板(SP)。
Sonographic characteristics of the labral plicae entrapment syndrome of hip in children 儿童髋关节滑膜唇皱襞嵌顿症超声表现特征
Sonography in the Diagnosis of Urachal Carcinoma 脐尿管癌的超声诊断临床价值
Sooty blotch and flyspeck (SBFS) of apples (Malus domestica) is a disease with complex symptoms and fungi, mainly occurring on the cuticle of pomaceous fruit in growth late-season. 苹果(Malus domestica)煤污病和蝇粪病(Sooty blotch and fly speck of apple,简称:SBFS)是一类症状和病原菌复杂的病害,主要在仁果类果实的生长晚期严重发生。
Sorbet formulation and its composite stabilizer Sorbet配方及其复合稳定剂的研究
Sorcin overexpression and multidrug resistance in human gastric cancer cells Sorcin蛋白质高表达与胃癌细胞多药耐药的关系
Source: Province natural science fund of Guangdong ( 00 ) and province science and technology of Guangdong offend to close the item (KM00S). 课题来源:广东省自然科学基金( 00 )及广东省科技攻关项目(KM00S)。

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