Toyota says that the recalls occurred because quality control was not up to snuff.
丰田公司说,由于回顾发生因为质量控制。 |
Toyota's day was good and bad.
丰田车队在一天之中好坏兼有。 |
Toys and other tie-in movie merchandising grossed a ground total of 9 billion US dollars.
玩具和其他与电影相关的商品全球总收入达90亿美元。 |
Toys appeal to small childrenl.
玩具对小孩具吸引力。 |
Toys are making in the shop.
这个车间正在制造玩具。 |
Toys hidden behind crewelwork curtains in the playroom-cum-parlor.
在娱乐室兼会客空间内,玩具隐藏在绒线刺绣帘幕的后方。 |
Toys linked to the Star Warsand Harry Potterfilms continue to do well.
与《星球大战》和《哈利波特》等系列电影相关的玩具继续保持热销。 |
Toys overtook electrical appliances last year as the EU's most defective Chinese import, with choking or suffocation causing the most frequent injuries.
去年玩具取代电器设备成为欧盟区域内质量问题最严重的进口中国商品。儿童吞吃玩具导致窒息的事屡见不鲜,成为频发率最高的伤害事件。 |
Toys, books, shoes and clothes were jumbled on the floor.
玩具、书、鞋和衣服都杂乱地堆在地上。 |
Toys, handicrafts and exports more than 20 countries and regions of the world.
玩具,工艺品并出口世界20多个国家和地区。 |
Tra arency A condition where the busine affairs and financial situation of a company or department are open and easily understood by the public.
透明度一个公司或部门的营业事务和财政情况是公开的且很容易让公众理解的一种情形。 |