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1860 The first tramway in Britain opened.

1856 The Treaty of Paris was signed, ending the Crimean War. 《巴黎条约》签署,克里米亚战争结束。
1857 Gandour is established as a factory store in Lebanon. The Initial product lines are Hard Boiled Candies, Loukoum and Marzipan. 自产自销的“冠多公司”在黎巴嫩成立。主要产品为硬糖、果冻和杏仁蛋白软糖。
1858 Ran for U.S. Senate again―again he lost. 1858年再度竞选美国参议员――又再度落败。
1858 The first transatlantic cable was completed, and was opened by Queen Victoria and President Buchanan exchanging greetings. 第一条横越大西洋的电缆铺设成功并投入使用,维多利亚女王和布坎南总统通话互致问候。
186 The information to be placed in each title block of a drawing include: drawing number, drawing size, scale, weight, sheet number and number of sheets, drawing title and signatures of persons preparing, checking and approving the drawing. 每张图纸的图标栏内容包括:图号、图纸尺寸、比例、重量、张号和张数、图标、以及图纸的制图、校对、批准人的签字。
1860 The first tramway in Britain opened. 1860年,英国开通了第一条电车轨道。
1861 Robert Burke, Irish traveler and who crossed the Australian continent from south to north, died. 从南到北穿过澳洲大陆的爱尔兰施行家罗伯特·伯克去世。
1863 Henry Ford, American motorcar engineer and magnat was born at Dearborn in Michigan, the son of a farmer. 美国汽车工程师和汽车大王亨利·福特生于密执安州迪尔本一个农民家庭。
1863 Jacob Grimm, German philologist and the elder of the two German brothers famous for fairy tales, died in Berlin. 1863年,德国的文学家即著名的童话故事作家--德国两兄弟中年长的格林.雅各布,辞世于柏林。
1864 Richard Strauss, German composer, was born at Munich. 德国作曲家理查德·施特劳斯生于慕尼黑。
1865 Slavery was abolished throughout the United States of America, ratified by the 13th Amendment. 经美国宪法第十三条修正案认可,全国废除奴隶制。

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