2 Where changes in the types of scaffolds, fall protection, falling object protection, or other equipment present a hazard about which an employee has not been previously trained.
因脚手架、摔落保护、落物防护或其它设备的类型变化导致脚手架存在危险,而员工以前均未接受过此类培训。 |
2 Where material came from must be made clear unless the information is common knowledge. Material copied exactly is supposed to appear within quotation marks.
材料的来源一定要明确指明,除非所引用的这些信息是常识。照抄的材料应该是以引言的方式出现。 |
2 Where two metal components of an anchor are in contact both components should be the same grade of stainless steel, for example a fixed hanger and an expansion bolt.
2两个金属的锚栓元件,接触之处的材质须为同级的不袗,如固定耳片和膨胀锚栓。 |
2 Where uniforms are not supplIEd, clean, neat attire must be worn each day.
无制服时,每天着装必须保持干净、整洁。 |
2 Which of the following living habits helps to reduce acne?
以下哪一种生活〔习惯〕能减少暗疮出现? |
2 Who Performs the Human Resource Functions?
第1章·第2节:谁履行人力资源职能? |
2 Who would have thought that Mary, of all people, would run off the rails? She seemed to be the perfect faithful wife.
就所有的人来说,谁会想到玛丽竟会有越轨的事?她看起来像个极其忠诚的妻子。 |
2 Why aren't the sizes of the standard types precisely defined?
为什麽标准资料型态的大小没有没精确的定义好? |
2 Why do I get device is busy when unmounting a CD-ROM?
为何我要卸下光碟时,却得到设备正忙碌讯息? |
2 Why women can't put on mascara with their mouth closed?
为什么女士染睫毛膏时一定要张着嘴? |
2 Will we be able to prime grenades without having to throw them on the ground first?
我能不先将手雷扔到地上再捡起来丢吗? |