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The receiver is as bad as the thief.

The receipt shall specify the date of presentment for acceptance and shall be signed. 回单上应当记明汇票提示承兑日期并签章。
The received in the implanted chip, the digital information is transformed into electrical impulses sent into the ganglion cells. 植入芯片接收到数字信号后,将其转化为电气脉冲,并发给神经节细胞。
The received wisdom was that secrecy was in everyone's interests. 人们普遍的看法是:保守秘密符合所有人的利益。
The receiver aircraft is fitted with a probe that extends out from the side of the fuselage or from the leading edge of the wing. 受油机装备有一个从机身一侧或者是机翼前缘伸出的探头。
The receiver can often be configured to receive an echo of its own data transmission. 接收器通常能被配置成(只)接收自己发送数据后的回应信号。
The receiver is as bad as the thief. 窝赃者和贼同罪。
The receiver must decode the data with the correct decoderin order to read and use it. 接收方需使用正确的密钥进行解密方可阅读与使用。
The receiver should lean as far toward the feet as possible, then commence pumping. 他要尽可能的向你脚方向倾斜,然后开始抽送。
The receiver will get the mail before 10:00 a.m. on next day. 收件人可以在第二天早晨十点前收到邮件。
The receiver will keep their legs closer together. 他可以把双腿并拢。
The receiver's block diagram, flowchart and performance simulation results are given in the paper. 给出了接收机结构框图、工作原理和性能仿真结果。

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