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Not much explanation is needed.

Not me!’ said the Rat, waking up with a jerk. “没有的事!”河鼠猛地打了个哆嗦,醒来了。
Not measuring up to recognized standards of excellence, as of behavior or conduct. 不符标准的,不完美的表现或行为未达到公认的完美标准的
Not merited; unjustifiable or unfair. 不应得的;无理的或不公平的
Not mistaken, today's tyrants, and the famous Star interplanetary pigs can be no connection, Instead, another small game and the Wu San-lien 30 secondsrather similar to a test of your ability to dodge bullets. recommended to have confidence in the players 别误会,今天的星际猪霸和大名鼎鼎的星际可没有什么联系,倒是和另一款小游戏《撑过30秒》比较类似,考验你的子弹躲闪能力,推荐给对此有信心的玩家尝试!
Not more than 40-year-old,Self-initiative,Good Communication SKill,Hard work,junior college,above at least 1 year experience. 年龄在40岁以下,大专毕业,性别不限,至少1年以上工作经验,工作积极,良好的沟通能力,努力工作。
Not much explanation is needed. 不需太多的解释。
Not much has changed for Lang Lang-except everything. 郎朗本人的改变不大──但所有的事都变了。
Not much is known about his past, but his capabilities are extraordinary. 他的过去鲜为人知,但他的天份非凡。
Not much longer now, my friend. Come, let us parley first, and then see if we must come to blows. 不会更久了,我的朋友。来吧,我们先和他们谈谈,然后再决定是不是要用武力解决问题。
Not much manual force is needed. 所以手动用力小。
Not much money here,’Inspector Walsh said. “这儿不值多少钱,”沃尔什探长说。

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