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Operation of excess sludge pump is controlled by the computer inside central control room or by PLC under automatic mode.

Operation is the mainstay of the therapy. 结论手术是治疗儿童甲状腺乳头状癌的主要方法。
Operation manual: Control it control there aren't protagonist key,at jump key,last stoic dartlike weapon Gege shelf W keys empty. 操作指南:左右键控制主角移动,上键跳跃,空格格档W键发射忍者镖。
Operation must use an updateable query. 操作必须使用一个可更新的查询。
Operation of a sewage treatment works and a 300m long sewage submarine outfall. 营办污水处理厂及300米长的海底排污管。
Operation of disc aerators No. 1-8 is controlled by the computer inside central control room or by PLC under automatic mode. 由中控室内的终端机控制转碟1–8号连续运行或由PLC控制自动运行。
Operation of excess sludge pump is controlled by the computer inside central control room or by PLC under automatic mode. 由中控室内的终端机控制剩余污泥泵连续运行或由PLC控制自动运行。
Operation of liquid hydrogen storage tanks requires specific instructions and training. Storage tank and surroundings must be in perfect condition and cleanliness. 液氢贮罐的操作需要特别的工作指引,人员必须经过培训。贮罐本身和它的周围环境必须保持清洁,并处于良好的工作条件下。
Operation of valves continually in the cavitation zone should be avoided. 应该避免在空穴区域内持续运行阀门。
Operation of whole machine is controlled synchronously, which can raise speed instantly and suit high-speed operation. 整机的运转同步控制,可瞬间提速,适应高速生产。
Operation offers good result but with possible complications. 病因至今未明,但咸信以累积的微细伤害最为可能。
Operation profit is the main index for railway passenger transport. 摘要客运营业利润是铁路客运的主要效益指标。

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