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2 No claim for constructive total loss based upon the cost of recovery and/or repair shall be recoverable hereunder unless such cost would exceed the insured value.

2 Nearly 100 people are dead and at least 77 are missing after a tsunami hit a densely populated Indonesian island Monday. 周一海啸袭击了印度尼西亚裔人口稠密地区,造成近100人死亡,至少77人失踪。
2 Neatness should be no less important in language than it is in dress,but spew and sprawl are taking over. 说话时的语言文明、举止文雅,与着装的整洁一样重要。很遗憾,唾沫横飞、四仰八叉的不雅体态还是随处可见。
2 Never use the same pipette twice to avoid cross-contamination. 移液管不能重复使用。
2 No advertising of any kind whatsoever will appear on clothing worn by the athletes or officials at any time during the tournament except as specified in the eligibility rules. 2比赛期间任何形式之广告均不得出现在选手或职员所穿的衣服上,除非特别规定于资格条款之中。
2 No claim for constructive total loss based upon the cost of recovery and/or repair of the Vessel shall be recoverable hereunder unless such cost would exceed the insured value. 2基于保险船舶的恢复和/或修理费用不能据此得到赔偿,除非此种费用已超过保险价值。
2 No claim for constructive total loss based upon the cost of recovery and/or repair shall be recoverable hereunder unless such cost would exceed the insured value. 2基于(保险船舶)的恢复和/或修理费用的推定全损不能据此得到赔偿,除非此种费用已超过保险价值。
2 No claim under this Clause 8 shall in any case be allowed where the loss was not incurred to avoid or in connection with the avoidance of a peril insured against. 2如果灭失并非由于避免承保危险所致,或与避免承保危险有关,在任何情况下,均不得根据本第8条提出索赔。
2 No one broke open champagne. 没有人打开香槟酒庆贺。
2 No one with a face like hers could be a witch or a gnome! 有那样纯洁的脸的人不可能是女巫或是精灵!
2 Notwithstanding Clause 2.1 above the gear and equipment, including outboard motors, are covered subject to the provisions of this insurance while in place of storage or repair ashore. 尽管有上述第2条第1款的规定,当船舶在岸上的仓库或修理地点时,对设备及船具的保险,包括船外马达,都可依据本保险的规定承保。
2 November, an inspection group led by Vice Minister Jiang Yaoping of the MII came to China Telecom headquarters to check the implementation of the No.75 Document issued by the General Office of the State Council and No. 453 document issued by the MII and 11月2日信息产业部蒋耀平副部长率信息产业部检查组,到中国电信检查国办发75号及信产部453号两个文件贯彻执行情况,对中国电信的贯彻落实工作给予了高度评价。

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