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In some places, rich people ask others to cry in funerals for waste and extravagance.

In some pieces the fish appear between large sheets of metal as if viewed through the remains of a sunken superstructure. 在某些作品当中的鱼在一片片的金属之间浮现,仿佛是透过一艘沉没巨舰的残骸中看过去一样。
In some places gas and oil come up to the surface of the sea from its bed. 在某些地方,天然气和石油从海底冒出海面。
In some places it has soared. 在某些地方,暴力犯罪激剧上升。
In some places we stopped in tents for the night, in other places in caves. 我们在有些地方住帐篷过夜,在有些地方住山洞里。
In some places, bricks are still baked in the sun. 有些地方仍使用在太阳下晒干砖块的方法。
In some places, rich people ask others to cry in funerals for waste and extravagance. 在一些地方,有钱人请人代为哭丧,是为了讲排场,摆阔气。
In some procedures, a tourniquet is a luxury, whereas in others, such as delicate operations on the hand, it is a necessity. 在一些手术当中,止血带是多余的,但在一些精细的手术如手外科手术,止血带则是必需具备的。
In some regions the types of mental and physical destitution were without parallel. 在有些地区里,精神上和物质上的贫乏的情况是无法比拟的。
In some regions, truly independent journalists suffer assault and murder. 在有些地区,真正观点独立的新闻记者遭到袭击和谋杀。
In some related books, the life and achievements of the four playwrights named XuShan、Ji Shizu、Zhang Jin and Dai Quande, who lived in Qing Dynasty, are partly missing, or a little different from the facts. 摘要徐善、季式祖、张晋、戴全德等四位清代曲家的生平事迹,在相关的一些工具书中,或记载缺失,或略见讹误。
In some religions pork is considered impure. 某些宗教认为猪肉是亵渎的。

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