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A new term has even been coined to describe the deleterious effects of sitting behind the wheel for too long, Repetitive Driving Injury,or RDI.

A new technology is now available to protect the plant floor from data manipulation, espionage, unauthorized access, and automated intrusions. 现在一项新技术可以使工厂免受非法数据操作、间谍、非授权访问以及非法自动入侵等造成的损失。
A new technology on filling in and sealing against leak with expandable materials is introduced in this paper, which is applied in drilling in limestone area. 摘要本文介绍了石灰岩地区钻探施工中,利用液体高膨胀材料充填、堵漏新工艺。
A new telegraph line has been set up between the two cities. 那两个城市之间架设了一条新的电报线。
A new telegraph line has been set up between the two cities. 在那两个城市之间架设了一条新的电报线路。
A new telephone line has been set up between the two cities. 4那两个城市之间架设了一条新的电话线.
A new term has even been coined to describe the deleterious effects of sitting behind the wheel for too long, Repetitive Driving Injury,or RDI. 人们因此创造了一个新的词汇——“长时间驾车伤痛”——来表述这种因长时间开车而给身体带来的不良影响。
A new text, thickener was analyzed for its structure. 摘要对某种新型纺织增稠剂进行了剖析。
A new theory was advanced in acupotomology that the disorder of dynamic balance is the No.1 pathological mechanism for chronic soft tissue injuries. 针刀医学提出了新的理论,即认为动态平衡失调是慢性软组织损伤的第一位的主要病理机制。
A new top dog emerged on New York's Coney Island as the World's Hot Dog Eating Champion. 新的世界吃热狗大赛冠军在纽约兔子岛产生了。
A new tracking algorism for single detector compound axis was presented and realized based on realtime trajectory correcting. 摘要提出并实现了基于实时预测轨迹修正的单检测型复合轴控制方法。
A new trail has also emerged: spiritually themed tours that promise full immersion in Tibetan Buddhist culture. 一种新的步行路线也出现了:以心灵为主题的旅行﹐提供藏佛文化的全浸。

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