How soon do you want to be millionaire?
你想在多久的时间内成为百万富翁? |
How soon will you be through ?
您要用多长时间打完电话? |
How soon will you be through?
您要用多长时间打完电话? |
How special is this pillar?
王渊源:这柱子有什么特别的地方吗? |
How spiders live and behave?
蜘蛛怎样生活和表现自己? |
How splendid the feathers look!
这羽毛多好看啊! |
How stately it looks!
它是多么庄严肃穆。 |
How status does this, we just don't know,he said in a university press release.
但其中的原因是什么,我们还不得而知。” |
How strange it was for when Gimli sang I had thought the song a pleasant melody but now it was as the music of my own funeral dirge.
多么奇怪,当吉穆利哼着同样的音乐时,我曾经觉得那是令人愉快的曲调,此时此刻,听起来却像是送给我的哀乐。 |
How strong we are, and how we prevail over even the king of beasts.The Lion replied: This statue was made by one of you men.
狮子笑着说道:“如果狮子们会雕刻,那么你就会看见众多人倒在狮子脚下。” |
How strongly it will bounce back depends largely on the regions commitment to reform.
经济复苏的程度要看本地区的改革状况。 |