Although most start-ups are created by people aged between 35 and 44, more than 64 per cent of 18- to 24-year-olds think entrepreneurship is a good career choice and 80 per cent think that entrepreneurs have a high status in society.
尽管多数初创企业都是由35岁至44岁的人创办的,但在18岁至24岁的年轻人中,逾64%的人认为创业是一个不错的职业选择,80%的人认为企业家拥有较高的社会地位。 |
Although much more research will be needed, treatment with recombinant protein C could offer a new way of interrupting the progression to sepsis and organ failure in high-risk patients.
此项研究之所以重要就是因为它确定了一种对伴有严重败毒症和多器官衰竭患者进行确诊的简单策略。 |
Although much of the world was not able to see it, the solar eclipse that passed over the Earth on Friday was what astronomers call a hybrid eclipse that only occurs every 18 years.
(尽管世界上大部分人无法看到,但周五绕经地球的日蚀即是天文学家所谓18年才出现一次的混合日蚀。) |
Although mulch is used primarily for vegetable production in the United States, it is a viable concept for any crop where profitability can be demonstrated.
在美国,虽然塑料薄膜覆盖主要用于蔬菜生产,但对任何可以获得效益的作物都可行。 |
Although murder is not prescribed in China, intentional killing cime is provided under the article 232 of criminal law.
我国虽然没有对谋杀罪的规定,但我国刑法中有对故意杀人罪的具体规定:故意杀人罪是指故意非法剥夺他人生命的行为。 |
Although my anger rose like floodwater, it was not like worldly anger.
“虽然我的脾气发作时像洪水一样,但这种发怒与世间一般人的发怒是不一样的。 |
Although my novels are not autobiographical, they have all been about exploring what it is and means to be black and British,she said.
尽管我的小说不是自传,但它们都是关于探索英国籍黑人是什么样的以及作为英国籍黑人意味着什么。” |
Although my uncle is old, he looks very strong and healthy.
我的叔叔虽然老了,但他看上去还是很健壮。 |
Although nearly a century has passed since the master physicist began fashioning better mathematical tools to describe the universe, there seems no end to the useful gadgets that clever inventors can make with them.
虽然距离这位物理大师著手发展更好的数学工具来描述宇宙的那天,已经将近一个世纪了,聪明的发明家运用爱因斯坦的理论来制作巧妙的装置,却还方兴未艾。 |
Although neuroscience has taken huge strides forward in the past decade, it is a long way from being able to address the problems dealt with by psychotherapy.
虽然神经科学在过去的十年里获得很大发展,还远远不能解决心理疗法所能解决的问题。 |
Although new home sales soared in April, the less volatile statistics are still uniformly grim.
尽管四月新宅销售高涨,起伏不大的数据仍是一片惨淡景象。 |