You don't expect the European recovery to result from the improved US economy?
你不认为欧洲经济复苏是由于美国经济好转所致吗? |
You don't fall in love, you fall in a hole. The depth of the hole is proportionate to how oblivious you are of the fall.
你不是坠入爱河,你是掉在坑里。坑的深度和你对掉进去的健忘程度成正比。 |
You don't forget to take your toothbrush when travelling.
当你要去旅游时,不要忘了带你的牙刷。 |
You don't get many goals like that, usually they go over the stand but thankfully that one went into the net and got us the win.
你没有很多机会这样射门,但是很感谢,那里进球入网了,而且使得我们取得胜利。” |
You don't get this chance everyday to learn and test your endurance.
你可不是每天都可以碰上学习考验忍耐的良机! |
You don't grow the grain you eat and you don't make the clothes you ware.
你吃的粮食不是你种的,你穿的衣服不是你做的。 |
You don't have a camera, do you?
你没有相机,对吧? |
You don't have a care in the world.
你不知人间烦恼为何物。 |
You don't have a good stamina, why don't you play back?
你体力不好,还是打后卫吧。 |
You don't have any chance to score on me.
你没有机会跟我有任何进展. |
You don't have chicken-catching power!
手无抓鸡之力。 |