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I review English lessons often.

I returned the book that I had borrowed. 我已归还了我借的书。
I returned the empty bowl to the stall after eating the noodles. 吃完面条后,我把空碗送回到卖面的小摊。
I returned to New York City to take the bar exam again — this time successfully — and begin my career as a lawyer. 我返回纽约城后参加了律师考试——这次成功了——于是就开始了自己的律师生涯。
I returned to the window and fetched it thence. 我走回窗前把书取来。
I revere him greatly. 我很尊敬他.
I review English lessons often. 经常复习课文.
I reviewed theater for the Daily Cal, the student campus newspaper. 我为校园刊物《每日加洲》做戏剧评论。
I rewound the cassette and played her voice back to her. 我把录音带转回去, 把她的声音放给她听.
I rewound the cassette and played her voice back to her. 我把录音带转回去,把她的声音放给她听.
I rewrote the article because it do not according with our policy. 由于该文与我们的政策不符,我重新写了一遍。
I rewrote the essay twice. 我把文章修改了两次

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