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Green barriers, a non-tariff form of trade protectionism, is used by developed or even developing countries.

Green activism, which hardly existed in China a decade ago, is spurring the development of a civil society. 所以绿色环保主义,十年前在中国难以立足的东西,正在促进公民社会的发展。
Green algae alone comes in thousands of different varieties, he says. 他说,绿色植物的种类有成千上万,仅绿藻就有几千种不同的变种。
Green and Environmental:Wet towel is made from natural fibre, which is spunlaced non-wovens, and it can be fully disintegrate under nature circumstance. 湿巾采用天然植物纤维制造,自然环境下可以自行降解。
Green apples are sour. 未成熟的苹果是酸的。
Green banana pulp contains large of starch and resistant starch. 摘要青香蕉含有丰富的淀粉和抗性淀粉。
Green barriers, a non-tariff form of trade protectionism, is used by developed or even developing countries. 摘要绿色壁垒作为贸易保护主义的一种非关税壁垒形式,被发达国家甚至一些发展中国家采用。
Green cars are bringing in the green for automakers. 绿色环保车给汽车制造商带来了商机。
Green claimed to care nothing about his fiance's money,but his refusal to marry her when her father went bankrupt showed him in his true colours. 格林曾声称他不在乎未婚妻的钱,但是当未婚妻的父亲破产之后,他马上拒绝同她结婚,暴露出他的真实嘴脸。
Green clay is the most absorbent of all the clays and is ideal to use in face masks for the treatment of acne, oily and neglected skin. 绿泥是所有泥中吸收力最好的,对粉刺,过油和疏于保养的皮肤是理想的面膜。
Green clothes and Ge Sheng in Shijing (The Book of Songs) had great effect on afterworld eloges in writing methods and feeling-expression feature. 《诗经》中的《绿衣》、《葛生》在写法和抒情特色上都对后代的悼亡诗产生了深远的影响。
Green colour,its hardness is only second to diamond and boron carbide.its hardness and brittleness are higher than C. 绿色,硬度仅次于碳化硼和金刚石,比黑碳化硅硬度和脆性略高。

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