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Others insist that vivisection experiments are done for the sake of human's interest, making human beings healthier and promoting the development of medical science.

Others have said Zhang Haidi has everything; she has fame, status and published so many books, what more could she wish for. 但也有人说,张海迪什么都有了,有名气,有地位,出了那么多书,还要求什么呢。
Others hope to influence the debate. 有些则希望能够对这场辩论有所影响。
Others included new off-line services, such as consulting to nonprofits on their volunteer programs and planning conferences on volunteerism. 还有些是网外服务,如为非营利组织的志愿者项目提供咨询,规划筹备志愿者的交流会议。
Others included pop star Michael Jackson and nasal-voiced rapper Mike Diamond of the Beastie Boys. 其他上榜者还包括流行歌手迈克尔·杰克逊和乐队组合“野蛮男孩”的成员迈克·戴蒙德。
Others included women who wanted annulments because their husbands were mammoni(mamma's boys) who were not able to cut the psychological umbilical cord with their mothers even though they are in their 30s or 40s or beyond. 其他的案子包括妇女要求婚姻无效,因为她们的丈夫是「妈妈宁」(妈妈的男孩),纵使已30、40馀岁或更年长,都无法割断与母亲的心理脐带。
Others insist that vivisection experiments are done for the sake of human's interest, making human beings healthier and promoting the development of medical science. 另一部分人认为做活体实验是为了人类的利益,他们认为做活体实验可以使人类以后更加健康并且可以推动医学的发展。
Others joined the séance business quickly and, before long, apparently 25)credible mediums were everywhere. 别人很快也加入降灵会的生意,没多久,看起来好像很可靠的灵媒到处都是。
Others link it to another St. valentine who became the patron saint of lovers after he was imprisoned by Emperor Claudius for secretly marrying couples contrary to the Emperor's order. 另外一些把这个节日与另外一个圣徒瓦伦廷联系起来,他因为违背了克劳迪亚斯大帝的命令而秘密结婚的夫妇被投入监狱,之后他成为恋人的保护神。
Others lose their footing and believe their own hype. 而另外一些人则被冲昏了头脑,把天花乱坠的宣传报道当作是真。
Others maintain that SRI does not create value for shareholders, as they are investing in companies that already have good corporate track records, and thus trade at a premium. 造价值,因为它们只是投资于拥有良好业绩记录的公司,从而以溢价交易。
Others make small light weight cloth tents that can be carried anywhere. 另外一些公司生产很小很轻的帐篷,很方便携带。

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