The resulting interwire junctions form a switch at each intersection between crossing wires that can hold its “on” or “off” status over time.
每个导线交叉处形成的接点便成为一个开关,可以维持在「开」或「关」的状态(见右页〈交叉路上的开与关〉)。 |
The resulting landscape is dominated by impervious surfaces—parking lots, roads, sidewalks, rooftops and construction sites compacted by heavy equipment—that do not let water soak through.
最后形成的景观就是由不透水的地面所主宰──停车场、道路、人行道、屋顶,以及由重型机械压实的建筑工地,水都无法渗入这些地方。 |
The resulting length of this descriptor cannot be greater than its maximum length otherwise the function raises a USER 23 panic.
替换当前描述符中的数据。将要被替换的目标数据长度可以不同于用于替换的数据长度。描述符的数据长度将根据数据的改变进行重新设置。 |
The resulting lo of REM sleep may not cause problems over short periods but might if continued for two months or longer.
眼球迅速跳动的睡眠所造成的损失在短期内也许不会构成问题,但如持续两个月或更长的时间,就有可能出毛病。 |
The resulting loss of REM sleep may not cause problems over short periods but might if continued for two months or longer.
眼球迅速跳动的睡眠所造成的损失在短期内也许不会构成问题,但如持续两个月或更长的时间,就有可能出毛病。 |
The resulting map of possible moves has millions of branches.
可行的棋路图有上百万分支。 |
The resulting maps are a reflection of cerebral function because blood volume is coupled to flow.
图像结果是脑功能的反映,因为血容量与流量相关联。 |
The resulting melamine-tainted feed would be weak in protein, he acknowledged, which means the feed is less nutritious.
被三聚氰胺污染饲料就会削弱蛋白质的营养成分,他承认,这意味着饲料的营养更少。 |
The resulting object is a rotationally supported disk.
结果便形成了一个由转动所支撑的圆盘。 |
The resulting operation is added to the pending change set, which is the list of all changes that are waiting to be committed to the repository.
这个操作的结果被添加到变更等待序列中,所有的变更都在这个序列中,等待着被提交到库里面。 |
The resulting pattern is projected onto a detector and the entire page of 1m bits can be read out at once.
激光束照亮一个小的平板显示屏,使图样在屏幕上显示出来,这样它就可以对图样进行编码。 |