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Inside, he was on fire.

Inside this ‘jungle like plantation lives a German expatriate and raises fish with his Thai family. 在这里生活,就犹如德国人移居国外和他的泰国家人在丛林里靠养鱼为生。
Inside your car you inhale 5 times more smog than outside. Start to make less. 你的汽车里有5倍于车外的污染物,让我们从现在开始着手降低车内污染!
Inside your house a Daddy Long Legs is probably a spider. But in dark damp places like the shed, it's more likely to be a harvestman. 如果你在家里发现一只“长腿爸爸”,它有可能就是一只蜘蛛。但是,象在棚子这样的地方看到的,多数可能是只“收成者”而已。
Inside, It abounds with rich artwork and furniture. 在这些古城堡里面还有大量、丰富的艺术品和家具。
Inside, Rose Leaf or Crème Light leather is accompanied by seat piping and headrests embroidered with the Rolls-Royce interlinked RR badge. 21英寸车轮有铬中心和高高的铁栅坐在一个可治愈固态银精神,忘我.
Inside, he was on fire. 凯文内心焦急如火。
Inside, it can process task assignment, orientation, track, sign, feedback and information system access; outside, it can sent short message to sender's mobile phone timely once the contract is signed, make customer easy to enquiry the status. 对内,它实现了任务分派、定位、跟踪、签收反馈及与信息系统的对接功能;对外,可及时发送签收信息到达委托人的手机,给客户查询发货情况带来便利。
Inside, lightnings crackled among the falling sands. Outside, a giant turtle was engraved upon the glass. 它内部,闪电在下落的沙子中间闪现.它外部,一只巨龟雕刻在玻璃上.
Inside, small mounds of earth had been constructed and a number of toy vehicles fitted with caterpillar tracks lay here and there on the ground. 中间,建了一些小土堆,这里那里停着许多装备履带的玩具车。
Inside, the design emphasises the airy openness of top-down motoring, embracing the elements and creating a stunning, social environment. 内部设计着重强调了驾乘中全身心接触自然的畅快享受,包容了各种元素,营造出极好的社交氛围。
Inside, things become worse for the insect-the walls of the pitcher are too smooth for the insect to climb out. 因为瓶状叶的内壁很光滑,以至于昆虫很难爬出来。

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