Recently, our transaction is soaring. The products are popular in Europe, North America, east and southeast Asia.
近年来,公司业务发展迅猛。产品远销欧洲、北美、东亚及东南亚等,备受青睐。 |
Recently, people have being researched enzymic hydrolysis for cellulose due to the development of biotechnology and the high efficiency of enzyme.
近年来,随着生物技术的迅速发展以及具有催化高效性的酶的研究,人们开始试图利用纤维素酶来水解纤维素,以期达到充分利用的目的。 |
Recently, prices are tending upward.
最近,物价有上涨的趋势. |
Recently, research has found that they have some association in cure drug and pathogenesis.
近年来研究发现两者有相似的治疗和发病机制。 |
Recently, research has shown that drinking milk may modestly increase the risk of acne. However, the story on diet is still evolving.
最近,研究表明喝牛奶可以稍微降低长粉刺的风险。但是,食物对此是否有影响的看法也有了新的进展。 |
Recently, rumors have been raging that Jesus and Mary were actually married.
近来,指耶稣和抹大拉马利亚其实结过婚的谣言甚嚣尘上。 |
Recently, several important events in the construction of legal system in china, such as the case of Sun Zhigang, The Notice on the Enforcement of Criminal Procedural Law, and on Earnestly Correction and Prevention of Extended Custody jointly issued by Su
今年以来中国法制建设上发生的若干重大事件,例如孙志刚案件的发生,最高人民法院、最高人民检察院、公安部联合发出的《关于执行刑事诉讼法,切实纠防超期羁押的通知》都充分表明:保障人权特别是刑事诉讼法当事人的合法权利,促进刑事诉讼制度的科学化和民主化已经成为不事阻挡的历史潮流,成为全国上下的共同认识和共同追求。 |
Recently, she got another new brand that the smell is comparatively stronger.
最近,她换了新品牌,而那味道相对的闻起来强多了。 |
Recently, some foreigners said that Marxism cannot be defeated. That is so not because there are so many big books, but because Marxism is the irrefutable truth.
例5.最近,有的外国人议论,马克思主义是打不倒的。打不倒,并不是因为大本子多,而是因为马克思主义的真理颠扑不破。 |
Recently, some techniques, like liquid-liquid extraction, headspace, chromatography fractionation and SPME, have applied to the researches of aroma compounds in Chinese rice wine.
近年来,顶空取样、液液萃取、色谱分离技术、固相微萃取等技术已经开始应用于黄酒的风味成分研究。 |
Recently, technical application of molecular genetics has provided a new approach to histological diagnosis more objectively and further indicating clinical therapy and evaluating patients' prognosis.
近年分子遗传学技术的应用为更客观的认识、诊断这类肿瘤和进一步指导患者的临床治疗、估价预后提供了新的研究方法和途径。 |