Most are consultants and are anxious to stay on leading-edge projects.
这些人大部分是顾问,并且渴望呆在前沿项目上。 |
Most are manually operated valves (by hand) or mechanically controlled (pressure/vacuum or float level).
大部分为手动阀门或机械控制阀(压力/真空或浮子度)。 |
Most are sold to small Hispanic and Mexican groceries, Padron said.
448个玩具在仓库里等候销出。 |
Most are young children in the Africa, South of the Sahara.
大多数是非洲撒哈拉以南的小朋友。 |
Most area is warm in Winter and cool in Summer, but mild winters and hot summers along the Mediterranean.
英国大部分地区为冬天温和,夏天凉爽,但沿地中海冬天温和湿润,夏天炎热干燥。 |
Most argue that the mortgage mess, though a blight on anyone caught up in it, will not spread.
大多数认为,尽管抵押贷款的混乱局面给每个身陷其中的人都带来了不良影响,但这种局面并不会蔓延。 |
Most art allows very little participation.
绝大多数艺术形式几乎不具备互动性。 |
Most articles are certainly not palatable to a larger circle.
大多数文章谈不上适合更多人的胃口。 |
Most ascending initiates snore loudly.
大部分提升者会大声打鼾。 |
Most astronomers accept the binary spin-up scenario for creating millisecond pulsars because they have observed neutron stars speeding up in X-ray binary systems, and almost all radio millisecond pulsars are observed to be in binary systems.
多数天文家接受这个假想的模式,因为他们已经在X射线双星系统中观测到了中子星的加速现象,而且几乎所有的毫秒脉冲星都被发现时处于双星系统中。 |
Most astronomers believe that large quantities of some unidentified material pervade the universe.
多数天文学家相信,宇宙充满了大量的不明物质。 |