The damage profile of silicon substrate induced by 0MeV Er + at a dose of ×0 /cm is extracted using the multiple scattering dechannelling model of Feldman,and the result is in good agreement with the TRIM9 calculation.
采用多重散射模型计算了 Me V × 0 / cm 注入硅 (0 0 )引起的损伤分布 ,并与 TRIM9模拟得到的结果进行了比较 . |
The data of VVER-000 Kalinin NPP provided by IAEA are used to validate the code package TPFAPHEX/SIMSIX.
本文在SIMSIX的输入文件的填写中通过将六角形堆芯的/ 输入到方形堆芯的/区域、缺少部分用围板/反射层组件来填补解决了这一问题。 |
The day and night cycle makes the screening pigment granules in cells move horizontally and vertically in relation to the longitudinal axis of the ocelli.
昼夜交替还导致细胞内屏蔽色素颗粒周期性的水平和垂直移动。 |
The decolorization conditions of Lanasol Blue B dye wastewater by strain W_ were optimized through experiments.
通过实验优化了W菌及其对活性染料兰纳素蓝 B染色废水脱色的最佳条件。 |
The definitely damaged portions of the fracture were cancellous bone, Ranvier's groove and hypertrophic zone.
折断肋软骨后 ,髓腔骨松质、Ranvier区和肥大区明确受损。 |
The degeneration of pistil was observed , and the abortion rate of carpel was about 7. %.
心皮败育率为7. %。 |
The degree of formation of stacked isomer decreses Pd(phen)(UTP)->Pd(bpy)(UTP)->Pd(trp)(UTP) -.
混配合物中的芳环堆积作用按下列顺序减小:Pd(Phen)(UTP)~(-)>Pd(bpy)(UTP)~(-)>Pd(trp)(UTP)~( -). |
The degree of infectivity varies in its location, i.e.base, middle and top of the midvein.
中脉的不同部位(基部、中部和顶部)病菌侵染的程度有明显不同。 |
The degree of pressure wave cannot describe the degree of fracture of propellant charge in the chamber,and cannot depict the environment of the fracturing propellant charge exactly and wholly.
压力波大小既不能表征膛内发射药的破碎程度,也不能准确完全地反映发射药破碎所处力学环境。 |
The dehydrating rate was .% and the rotting rate was .7% at .±0.℃. The dehydrating rate was 8.8% and the rotting rate was 9. % when loquat was preserved for days at .±0.℃.
而在 .± 0 .℃贮藏 8d时的失重率和腐烂率分别为 . %和 .7 % ,在 .± 0 .℃贮藏 d时的失重率和腐烂率分别为 8. 8%和 9. %。 |
The delimitation and connection between science and technology from mathematical angle ——concurrently on the mathematical problem of "Joseph Needham's Tickler
从数学谈科学与技术的划界及联系——兼谈“李约瑟难题”的数学问题 |