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Also, I cannot understand the media hype when he has not said a word himself.

Also, Congress has carved out an exemption to the Wire Act for fantasy sports, which remain a felony under Washington law when conducted on the Internet. 同时,国会已经雕刻出了一个豁免导线法幻想体育这仍然是一个重罪,根据华盛顿州法律,在互联网上进行.
Also, DIMES is now installed in all continents. 现在DIMES可以安装在所有的地区上了。
Also, EMM386 will provide VCPI memory and switch DOS into the protected and V86 mode automatically. 同样,EMM386将自动提供VCPI内存和切换到DOS保护模式及V86方式.
Also, Hong Kong Statistics and Actuarial Science Department senior lecturer Ip Siu-fei's statistical group estimated the number of marchers to be 26,400 (plus or minus 3,000). 另外,港大统计及精算学系高级讲师叶兆辉领导的统计小组,点算出游行人数为26,400(误差率为+/-3000人)。
Also, I asked you to wash my car and it doesn't look like you did that either. 而且,我要求你洗我的车,看来这件事你也没做吧。
Also, I cannot understand the media hype when he has not said a word himself. 有件事我也觉得奇怪,罗那尔多自己并未发表意见,但媒体竟会有这么多报道。
Also, I love to play video games. 另外,我爱玩电玩。
Also, I no longer have the same faith in language, linguistics, semiotics, I am working with other ideas now, but still working with a method. 其次,我对建筑的语言,文法,语调再也没有那种信仰,我现在感兴趣的是其他一些的概念,虽然我仍然保留着一些所谓的方法。
Also, I personally own a little Chihuahua and in my dream, he is also with me. 在我的梦中,我私人还有座小州,它也是属于我的。
Also, I set the texture coordinates. 另外,我设置了纹理坐标。
Also, I snoop a lot. I scan and search the "internal" MEL scripts that activate tools, perform commands, create windows and dialogs. 同时,我探听了一点。我扫描和搜索了内部MEL角本,是关于激活工具,执行命令,创建窗口和对话的。

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