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In the conclusion to the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy, the heroes must face a powerful alliance formed by Lord Cutler Beckett (Tom Hollander), Davy Jones (Bill Nighy), and Admiral James Norrington (Jack Davenport).

In the compilation of the plan for a city in a national autonomous area, attention shall be paid to the preservation of ethnic traditions and local characteristics. 编制民族自治地方的城市规划,应当注意保持民族传统和地方特色。
In the complaint filed Friday, the family members allege that Parks' longtime friend Elaine Steele, who handled her affairs, exerted undue influence over Parks. 帕克斯女士的家族成员在星期五的申诉中声称,与帕克斯相交多年的朋友伊莱恩·斯蒂尔——她负责处理其后续事务,已对帕克斯造成了不良影响。
In the complex, pluralistic and swiftly changeable society, soft lawis the main dependence of public administration. 在复杂、多元和速变的当代社会,“软法”是公共治理的主要凭借。
In the comprehensive fuzzy evaluation model of soil liquefaction, the following factors, such as earthquake intensity, SPT counts, groundwater level and mean diameter of sand soil particle which affect the liquefaction of sand soil were considered, and th 在提出的砂土液化模糊综合评判模型中,通过综合地震烈度、标贯击数、地下水位和平均粒径等影响砂土地震液化的因素,采用梯形隶属函数并分别给出各因素隶属函数的表达式。
In the compression moulding technology, preheat and prepressing procedures are added to improve the flowability of the bond and physical and mechanical properties of the product. 在压缩模塑工艺中,增加预热、预压工序,提高粘合剂的流动性和产品的物理机械性能。
In the conclusion to the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy, the heroes must face a powerful alliance formed by Lord Cutler Beckett (Tom Hollander), Davy Jones (Bill Nighy), and Admiral James Norrington (Jack Davenport). 为救积克船长,二人便跟随保沙船长(谢菲路殊饰)远赴东方海洋,岂料遇上臭名远播的中国海盗啸风船长(周润发饰),双方展开生死决战。
In the condition of soil pool, three winter wheat cultivars with different gluten types, Gaomai 8901 (strong), Yumai 49 (medium) and Luomai 1 (weak) were used to investigate the difference of activities of enzymes involved in starch synthesis in the kerne 摘要在池栽条件下,研究了3个不同类型冬小麦品种藁麦8901(强筋品种)、豫麦49号(中筋品种)和洛麦1号(弱筋品种)灌浆期籽粒中淀粉合成相关酶活性的差异。
In the condition of the cut -throat competition, our management strategy is : To the quality strives for the survival, reputation for service, innovation strives for development, management strives for effectiveness. 在激烈的市场竞争中,公司的经营战略是:以质量求生存,以服务求信誉,以创新求发展,以管理求效益。
In the condition of used image processor construction hardware and software, the approach we had can compensate the accuracy of two-point temperature correction. 这一方案可在不改变图像处理机硬件开销和软件运行负担的前提下完成对两点温度定标法精度的补偿。
In the conditions of the socialist market economy, market economy supports and protects people's utilitarian act as a way of economic organization with an interest mechanism as the driving force. 摘要社会主义市场经济条件下,市场经济作为一种以利益机制为驱动力的经济组织方式,支持并保护人们的功利行为。
In the conflict between Cronus and Jupiter, Prometheus had adopted the cause of the Olympian deities. 在克洛诺斯反对朱庇特的斗争中,普罗米修斯站到了奥林波斯山诸神的一边。

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