Since the company established , had relied on the most high-quality service and good business reputation to serve user all the time , the approval that has got support from the masses of users and of the same trade, portfolio is becoming more prosperous e |
中文意思: 公司自创建以来,一直凭借最优质的服务和良好的商业信誉为用户服务,得到了广大用户的支持和同行业的认可,业务量蒸蒸日上。 |
Since the club owed $15 and had only $10 in the treasury, there was a deficit.
因为俱乐部欠债十五元,库里只有十元,所以有五元的差额。 |
Since the co umer co iders the best fruit to be that which is the most attractive, the grower must provide products that satisfy the discerning eye.
因为顾客认为最好的水果应该看起来也是最漂亮的,所以种植者必须提供能满足挑剔眼光的产品。 |
Since the collapse of Enron, Wall Street investment banks have been ruthlessly enforcing regulations and holding their staff to the highest standards of business ethics.
自从安然公司倒闭后,华尔街的投资银行一直都在严格恪守章程,并将其员工的商业道德标准维持在最高水平。 |
Since the colored spectra disappear when the grating is removed, it can be assumed that it is the specimen itself that is affecting the light passing through, thus producing the colored spectra.
因为移去栅格标本后彩色光谱状点会消失,可以假设这些彩色光谱状点即为通过标本的光线在遇到标本后所产生。 |
Since the company began to resrerch and make radiators in 80's last century,domestically advanced production lines have been adopted in the production.we sim at 100% conformity of heat impedance performance curve with the testing standards stipulated in S
本公司自八十年代初研制生产散热器系列产品以来,采用国内最先进的生产流水线,工艺精湛,其热阻特性曲线均按中华人民共和国电子工业部标准ST2564-85《型材散热器》规定的检测方法,百分之百达到设计要求,是功率半导体器件的配套散热元件,运用于多种大、小功率电器热流高密度、整机设备、电子,电器等领域。 |
Since the company established , had relied on the most high-quality service and good business reputation to serve user all the time , the approval that has got support from the masses of users and of the same trade, portfolio is becoming more prosperous e
公司自创建以来,一直凭借最优质的服务和良好的商业信誉为用户服务,得到了广大用户的支持和同行业的认可,业务量蒸蒸日上。 |
Since the company established for more than ten years, had made the respect and bent on making progress, followed the tendency of the day closely in glass processing , craft , have introduced such a series of ambetti as the looks frame , mirror of the bat
公司创建十多年以来,在玻璃加工、工艺制作方面锐意进取、紧跟时代潮流,相继推出了相框、浴室镜、工艺玻璃、木框镜、家私玻璃、钟表玻璃等一系列装饰玻璃,适合客户批量生产。 |
Since the company established, had insistedmarket-oriented,regard quality as the foundation stone, the management theory that it is guaranteed that regard serving as , is pursuing innovation constantly, dare to keep forging ahead, offer high-quality produ
公司自创办以来,坚持“以市场为导向,以质量为基石,以服务为保证”的经营理念,不断追求创新,勇于进取,为客户提供高品质的产品及服务。 |
Since the company founded the factory , the constant open-up , superior service , rational price , handing in one accurately through oneself, welcome the support of numerous manufacturers , make the factory strengthen constantly.
公司自建厂以来,通过自身不断的开拓、优越的服务、合理的价格、准确的交期,迎来了众多厂商的支持,使工厂不断壮大。 |
Since the company has been established more than twenty years ago, our company has constantly brought in and absorbed advanced technologies at home and abroad, and developed more than twenty series and one hundred varieties of products, which have been so
公司成立二十多年来,不断引进和吸取国内外先进技术,自主研制开发了产品二十多个系列、一百多个品种,产品畅销全国各地及海外,深受广大用户信赖。 |
Since the company has organized the continuously great effort to set up image, enhance well-known, develop the domestic and foreign markets, to bring both sides together,to supply ideas for the general enterprises.
公司创办以来一直积极努力为广大企业树立形象,提高知名度,开拓国内外市场牵线搭桥、出谋划策。 |