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As metal prices continued to recover from their recent falls, the mining industry announced a huge deal.

As mentioned in the introduction, there are several classes of phenomena that appear under quantum mechanics which have no analogue in classical physics. 如以上介绍中提到的那样,有好几种现象好象处于量子力学中,在经典物理里没有对等情况。
As mentioned in the preceding Paragraph, the fees collected from hot spring usage shall provide for hot spring conservation, management, international exchange, infrastructures and pertinent purposes; no appropriation shall be allowed. 前项温泉取用费,除支付管理费用外,应专供温泉资源保育、管理、国际交流及温泉区公共设施之相关用途使用,不得挪为他用。
As mentioned previously, most medium-size and some large organizations use human resource generalists and do not have a human resource department. 如前所述,绝大多数中型组织和一些大型组织有人力资源专员,而没有人力资源部门。
As mentioned, it is tedious code so you will probably do well to not attempt this coding on a hangover; trust me, I know. 像先前提到的,这个只是无聊的代码编写,你可以做的很好,相信我,我知道。
As mentioned, we have common concerns, face similar challenges, and are pained by the sufferings and afflictions in the world. 我们的人民和你们在往前的许多年间不断交往,继续维持着这些关系,仅管有美国权力的没有必要的干涉。
As metal prices continued to recover from their recent falls, the mining industry announced a huge deal. 随着金属价格在近期下跌后继续反弹,采矿业宣布了一笔庞大的交易。
As microprocessors become more powerful, reliable, and less expensive we can expect the proliferation of this technology, with increasing use by even very small pharmaceutical establishments. 现代微处理器的功能更加强大,可靠和廉价,我们预计随着这种技术的广泛推广,计算机会越来越多的用在甚至是非常小的制药工厂。
As midfield space opened up, both sides sensed that one goal would be crucial. 随着中场的空间逐渐打开,双方都意识到一个入球便会是具决定性的。
As might be expected, they have a cost in credits and take a certain amount of time to research (this time determined by the base's research rating). 可以预计,研究时间和上面的方法一样(都是成本除以每小时的处理速度)。
As millions more people around the world discover the power and value of the Internet for commerce, entertainment and the exchange of knowledge, the specter of sabotage and the challenge of security will grow as well. 随着世界各地的人们发现了因特网对商业、娱乐以及知识交流的巨大威力和价值,破坏的幽灵越来越可怕,因特网安全也面临着更大的挑战。
As millions of Tokyo commuters rode the packed subway trains the morning of March 20, 1995, members of a Japanese doomsday cult placed plastic bags filled with liquid on the floors of several cars and pierced them with umbrella tips. 1995年3月20日,当成百万的东京通勤者乘坐挤满人群的地铁时,日本奥姆真理教的成员把一袋袋装满液体的塑胶袋放置在几辆车厢的地板上,然后用雨伞尖把袋子戳破。

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