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When stratified by gender, females who were better educated and had higher employment grades had higher levels of burnout than females with a lower socioeconomic status.

When stores are closing for good, they try to get any price for their merchandise. 当商家因为利益原因关门停业时,产品会以任何价格出售。
When stores have an oversupply of goods, 当商店供给过多时,
When storing data about specific named values, a numerical array is not always the best way to do it. 如果某个值已被命名,那么我就再使用数字数组来存储它的值就不方便了。
When storing it for a long time without use, cover it with packing materials with fireproof and dustproof lines and then store it in a dry and airy environment indoors. 家具长时间不使用需贮存时,应罩有防尘防火线的包装材料,存放在室内干燥通风的环境。
When storms shut down the entire ports, we go out; when hurricanes ground the United States Navy, we go out; when the holy Lord himself reaches down from heaven, and destroy his good works with winds that rip houses of the ground, we go out. 大意是:“当风暴袭击港口迫使其封闭时,我们出动;当台风席卷,即使美国海军也被阻挡时,我们出动;当神圣的上帝亲自从天上下来,用狂风破坏大陆把房子都连根拔起,这时喉,我们依然出动。”
When stratified by gender, females who were better educated and had higher employment grades had higher levels of burnout than females with a lower socioeconomic status. 当依性别分析,我们发现在女性受雇者中,高职等、高教育程度者的疲劳指数高于低职等、低教育程度者。
When stressed, look at places you would like to visit. 在感到压力时,看看你想去的地方。
When stretch your arm, the sound of bones can be heard, as the smog of the smoke make my heart ache, I have noting to do but bear it. 一伸手,然后拧动一下脖子,听见骨骼咯吱的响声,仿佛看见那些香烟的雾在自己的体内折磨着自己的灵魂,我毫无抗拒的忍受着痛楚。
When strong winds whip up these liquid tornadoes, fish and frogs are lifted from their watery homes and “mysteriously” dropped onto dry land. 当强风激起液态龙卷风时,鱼和青蛙会从它们水中的牺息处被高高卷起,然后被神秘地抛到陆地上。
When students are absent, they are generally allowed the number of days they were absent to make up the work when they return. 当学生缺席时,他们返回时一般会得到允许根据缺席天数补课。
When students are forced to develop their own approaches to unsolved problems,they benefit much more than from exposure to the mathematics alone. (当一个学生被迫大展身手去对付未解决的问题时,比仅仅学习数学知识,其受益要多得多。)

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