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Broad band can suit your business needs while on vacation.

Britons have abandoned their pets because they didn't match new sofas or carpets, the RSPCA said on Tuesday as it issued its annual warning that animals should not be given as Christmas presents. 据路透社12月20日报道,英国皇家防止虐待动物协会(RSPCA)在12月20日发布的年度报告中,提醒人们不要将动物做为圣诞礼物相互馈赠,因为该国不少公民在圣诞节期间会以宠物与自己家里的新沙发或地毯不相匹配为由而将它们无情抛弃。
Brits call that having a “stiff upper lip. 英国人称之为有个“抿嘴的上唇”。
Bro Do, do you need some information to help me book the ticket? When I pick up the flight ticket I will have a round trip ticket right? 杜哥:您需要我什麽文件来预定这些票吗?当我拿到机票时是来回的吗?
Broad and elegant arrangement plus cherry wooden material, solid wood engraving and golden manual painting show an outstanding nature and royal demeanor. 宽广大气的布局,加上樱桃木色的厨柜材料、实木雕刻及手工描金点缀,卓尔不群,一派沉稳贵重的王者之气。
Broad areas of the law, most notably relating to property, contracts, and torts, are traditionally part of the common law. 法律中的主要部分,大多数明显的与财产、合同、侵权有关的法律都是习惯法的传统部分。
Broad band can suit your business needs while on vacation. 宽带上网,休闲之余,更宜商务。
Broad in subject, profound in artistic concept and bold in shape, the rock paintings enjoy high artistic value and are famed as the Art Gallery of Nomadic People. 岩画题材广泛,意境深远,造型粗犷奔放,具有极高的艺术价值,有“游牧民族艺术画廊”之称。
Broad muscular loins, very slightly sloping croup. 肌肉发达的腰部,臀部稍低。
Broad nose, well opened nostrils. Lips well developed with moderate flews. 宽阔的鼻子,开放式的鼻孔。嘴唇有适度下垂。
Broad scope of application cowboy cotton fabrics, tweed fabrics, cotton fabrics, can produce light gather different millstone, and faded to hair polishing. 适用范围广泛应用于牛仔棉织物、斜纹织物、轻聚棉织物等可产生不同的磨石、去毛抛光及褪色等。
Broad understanding of current auditing principles and internal control concepts. 深刻理解审计原理和内部控制理念。

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