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His tongue is red and sore all over.

His timely warning saved our lives. 他及时的警告救了我们的性命。
His tirade against the company's “opportunistic fat cats” was provoked by the CD release of a 1993 live performance, which the rock star claimed was the band's “worst gig ever”. 这位摇滚明星认为乐队在1993年演唱会是“历来最差的表演”,而该公司发行这次演唱会专辑的行为,激起了他对公司的“显赫高层中的机会主义者”的猛烈抨击。
His tireless work included the organization of the first UN international conference on the peaceful uses of atomic energy, and his support for armistice agreements between Israel and the Arab States. 哈氏一生勤奋不懈,包括探讨原子能和平用途而组织第一次联合国国际会议,以及支持以色列与阿拉伯国家之停战协定。
His titles were: research fe11ow, Associate Professor, Fu11 Professor, Head of the Department, Rector. 他历任研究员,副教授,教授,系主任,校长。
His toe was hurt while playing football. 他的脚趾在踢足球的时候受伤了。
His tongue is red and sore all over. 他的舌头到处红和痛。
His tongue runs riot. 他讲话口没遮拦。
His total score was one hundred. 他的总积分早已是一百。
His tough stance on drugs has also caused friction with Colombia's neighbours. 他对毒品的强硬姿态也让哥伦比亚与其邻国造成了摩擦。
His tough stand on aborigines recalls the one he took against boat refugees in 2001, helping him win his third election later that year. 霍华德对土著所持的坚硬立场让人想起了2001年他在难民乘船外逃事件上的立场,那一次帮助他在当年后来举行的大选中第三度获胜。
His transient masters since he had come into the Northland had bred in him a fear that no master could be permanent. 自从进入北国,主人的一再变换使巴克产生了一种恐惧,担心没有一位主人可以持久不变。

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