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The young athlete throws well.

The young are as vigorous as the morning sun at eight or nive . 你们青年人朝气蓬勃,正在兴旺时期,好像早晨八、九点钟的太阳。
The young are more malleable than the old. 年轻人比老年人容易受影响.
The young are quick to respond to changes and are at the forefront of new trends in society. 青年人对于社会有着敏锐的反应能力,并且引导着时代的潮流。
The young army officer was promoted to the rank of captain. 这个年轻军官被提升为上尉。
The young artist is a real talent. 那位年轻的艺术家是个真正的天才。
The young athlete throws well. 那个年轻运动员投掷得很好。
The young aviator was part of the famed Flying Tigers, who fought the Japanese in the air over China and Burma before and after the United States got into World War II. 这年轻的飞行员是著名的飞虎队队员,在美国加入二战之前和之后在中国和缅甸战区一直在和日军作战。
The young beetle larvae can eat hundreds of aphids. 而幼龄瓢虫则可吃掉数百只蚜虫。
The young boy possessed a rational mind and often felt sceptical about the Personal God. 这个年轻人拥有理性的头脑,经常对人格化的神感到怀疑。
The young boy smiled as he picked up another starfish and toss it back into the ocean. “It made difference to that one. 小男孩一边拾起另一只海星抛向大海,一边微笑着回答:“但至少可以改变这只海星的命运。”
The young boy took a very acute action. He kidnapped and raped that girl and asked the girl to go to police office. 这个年轻男孩采用了一种非常激烈的行动。他诱拐并且强奸了那个女孩,并且要求那个女孩去警察局。

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