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Non-ferrous metal production in China is expected to grow by 15 percent this year, led by aluminum and copper, boosted by mounting demand, according to an industry organization.

Non-empty elements must have an end tag. 非空的标记必须有一个关闭符。
Non-endorsable, Non-reroutable, Refund refer to issuing office. En Box “Non-end/rrt, rfnd ref to iss ofc”. 不能签转、不能更改航线、退票须在原出票点办理。
Non-equity investment, such as through strategic alliances or licensing, is also expected to remain strong. 非股权投资,例如战略联盟或者特许经营,同样被认为将保持强劲势头。
Non-executives who act as frustrated CEOs, always imposing their views, make themselves deeply unpopular with their boardroom colleagues. 那些表现得像失败的首席执行官的非执行董事们,总是将观点强加于人,弄得自己在董事会同僚中极不受欢迎。
Non-fatal cases requiring hospitalization were identified through the regional hospital discharge system using International Classification of Diseases. 非致死性病例必须住院,通过地区出院系统应用国际疾病分类来鉴别。
Non-ferrous metal production in China is expected to grow by 15 percent this year, led by aluminum and copper, boosted by mounting demand, according to an industry organization. 据一家行业组织宣称,由于需求继续上升,今年中国有色金属产量预计增长15%,领头的是铝和铜。
Non-flammable,anticorrosion,high strength ,good electrical insulation,all these are the specific characteristics of glass fiber,thus becomes the most necessary base materials to be used in the fields of electrical,chemical,aerospace,ship-building,automobi 不燃、耐腐蚀、高强、绝缘、玻璃纤维特有的优异性能,使之成为电子、化工、航天、造船、汽车、装饰建筑等领域及尖端科技中不可缺少的基础材料。
Non-governmental organization, which has long history, is the result of history. 摘要非政府组织源远流长,是时代的产物。
Non-hazardous chemicals paint, polish December manufacturing. 非危险化学品涂料、磨光腊制造。
Non-humans should have their own distinct advantages in place of these bonuses. 非人类应拥有它们自己特有的有区别的专长来代替这些调整加值。
Non-invasive tumor cell proliferation imaging could be used in the evaluation of tumor growth potential and grade of malignancy, and to identify the most rapidly proliferating regions of the tumor which would provide spatial information for radiation trea 摘要非侵害性细胞增殖造影可用以评估潜在性肿瘤生长、恶性肿瘤分级,以及鑑别肿瘤组织中最快速增生的区域,后者可以提供肿瘤空间资讯协助制定辐射治疗计昼及定位切片检查。

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