Egypt's leadership in the Arab was cemented by the Aswan High Dam.
阿斯旺大坝巩固了埃及在阿拉伯世界的领袖地位。 |
Egypt's national flag shows a bird of prey, which symbolizes strength. Kestrels[3] were held sacred in Ancient Egypt, and were often mummified.
埃及国旗上有一只食肉猛禽,它象征着力量。在古埃,茶隼被视为神物,常被制成木乃伊。 |
Egypt, along with the semiautonomous government of South Sudan, has tried to bring Darfur's fractious rebels together to create a joint platform.
埃及也连同南苏丹的半自治政府一起尝试了与狂暴的叛军们联盟以建立起一个互助的盟军阵营。 |
Egypt, which relies mostly on natural gas, is looking hard at solar power.
埃及是一个主要依赖天然气的国家,现在他们正在苦心遥望对太阳能的利用。 |
Egypt. There's some amazing scuba diving there and I would love to see the pyramids!
埃及。那有很棒的潜水,还有令人向往的金子塔! |
Egyptain and early Greek artifacts, Buddist arts, Chinese ceramics, and European church carvings.
收藏埃及和早期希腊的艺术、佛教艺术、中国陶器和欧洲教堂雕刻。 |
Egyptian and German Egyptologists carry the ancient sarcophagus of the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten, Sunday, Jan. 27, 2002.
埃及和德国的古物学者将一具古埃及法老王阿赫拿吞(公元前1372年-公元前1354年在位,编者加)的金棺棺木抬起。 |
Egyptian army officer and politician who served as prime minister(1954-1956) and president(1956-1958) of Egypt and as president of the United Arab Republic(1958-1970). His nationalization of the Suez Canal precipitated an international crisis(1956).
纳赛尔湖埃及东南部和苏丹北部的一个湖。它是在20世纪60年代由于阿斯旺高水坝在尼罗河上的建设而形成的,湖水的高涨淹没了许多历史遗迹 |
Egyptian initiation rites, Thracian orphic mysteries and other ritual and cult practices were amongst the many that were adopted readily.
埃及原始宗教仪式、色雷斯人的赫尔默斯神秘主义和其他宗教仪式以及祭拜仪式是他们欣然接受中的一部分。 |
Egyptian officials say at least 10 Sudanese migrants have been killed in clashes with police trying to end a 3-month-long Sudanese refugee protest.
埃及官员说,在埃及警察试图结束苏丹难民为时三个月的抗议示威时发生的冲突中,至少有10名来自苏丹的移民丧生。 |
Egyptian or Hebrew I am still Moses.
埃及人,还是希伯来人,我依旧是摩西。 |