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The final of the CAF Women's Championship will be played in Warri on Saturday 11 November.

The final magnificence, hundred years honor or disgrace of blast furnace, the old system ended. 最后的辉煌,百年高炉荣辱苍桑,旧体制已尽终结。
The final major jurisdictional tactic is that of obtaining a declaration in relation to the liability the opponent is seeking to establish by proceedings in another court. 当事人最后可考虑的管辖权上的主要策略是:对对方当事人试图通过另一法院的诉讼确立的责任,获得英国法院的宣告性救济。
The final medical school transcript is an official document that is the record of the graduate's medical education, issued by the medical school or university, upon or after graduation. 所谓医学院校的学习总成绩单就是学校方面的官方文件,用来记录学生在学校受教育的情形。
The final meeting of the MJC 2006/2007 season is scheduled on Saturday, 1 September featuring the 15th Macau Race Horse Owners Association Race Day. 澳门赛马会将于二○○七年九月一日(星期六)本季度煞科日,以「澳门马主协会赛马日」作高潮压轴。
The final module will last for two weeks with classes held on Saturdays only. 最后一个单元的课程在两星期内完成,上课时间为周六。
The final of the CAF Women's Championship will be played in Warri on Saturday 11 November. 非足联女足非洲杯的决赛将于11月11日星期六在瓦里进行。
The final of this paper applies the model to the case of assistant on Tainan's fifteenth group of fruit production and marketing organizations. 而产销班角度的平衡计分卡,让整体产销班的表现十分投入,最重要的收入也而提高许多。
The final or ultimate user of a computer system. The end user is the individual who uses the product after it has been fully developed and marketed. 计算机系统的最后的、根本的使用着。最终用户是在产品开发完善和投入市场后的个体使用着。
The final paper (10-12 pp.) will be due in class in session #26. 最后一篇(10-12页)将在第26节课提交。
The final paper is the culmination of the three writing assignments students have worked on over the course of the semester. 期末报告是学生于这学期中课程内的三次写作作业的最高潮。
The final paper will be due at the start of our final class meeting, lecture 12. 期末论文在第12课开始时递交,即最后一节课。

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