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Mother cut the cake in hag and gave us some each.

Mother caressed his cheek lovingly before her son left for the front. 儿子上前线前妈妈亲热地吻了他的脸颊。
Mother carried hatchling to water, urges them to swim. 妈妈携带刚孵化的幼仔到水边,敦促他们下水。
Mother charged me to tell the truth and not to steal. 母亲训诫我要诚实,不可偷窃。
Mother cooked simple meals in a spare bedroom she had turned into a makeshift kitchen. 妈妈把楼上一间空余的卧室临时当作厨房,做一些简单的饭菜。
Mother cooks for us every day. 母亲每天为我们做饭。
Mother cut the cake in hag and gave us some each. 妈妈把蛋糕切成两半分给我们一人一半。
Mother cut the cake into six equal sections. 母亲把蛋糕切成相等的六块。
Mother do you think she's good enough -- for me? 妈妈,你觉得她对我来说够好吗?
Mother do you think she's good enough -- to me? 妈妈,你觉得她对我来说够好吗?
Mother does her shopping on Wednesdays and Saturdays. 母亲在星期三和星期六去买东西。
Mother dog's milk was not enough,eigher.so mother goat came to nurse baby tiger. 狗妈妈奶水不够,羊妈妈又来给小虎娃喂奶。

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