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Just as Alfred Nobel got in touch with his feeling and redefined his values, we should step back and do the same.

Just aim the camera and press here. 只要拿准相机然后按这里就好了。
Just apply your favourite colour and finish with Glossy Lip Shine. 先涂上喜爱的口红或润唇膏,再涂上喜爱的晶莹闪亮唇彩即可。
Just approaching his 35th birthday, he considers himself still too young and too immature to give orders on the training ground. 他就要35岁了,但他依然认为自己太年轻,不够成熟,不能在训练场上发号施令。
Just around the comer. 就在附近.
Just as 25 cents in that Bangladeshi village meant so much more than merely a quarter of a dollar, the prosperity of an unnoticed individual or village has international implications. 正如25美分在孟加拉那个村子的意义绝不仅止于4分之1美元,一个没没无闻的个人或村庄的繁荣也有国际意义。
Just as Alfred Nobel got in touch with his feeling and redefined his values, we should step back and do the same. 正如诺贝尔考虑过自己的感受后重新定义了他的价值观一样,我们也应该回顾以往的作为,重新确立自己的价值取向。
Just as Chelsea held the first centenary anniversary in the Butcher's Hook pub, site of the establishment of the club in the Rising Sun in 1905, so tonight's is being held at the Royal Opera House. 正如切尔西将首场百年庆典的地点选在屠夫铁钩酒吧(即1905年成立俱乐部的旭日东升原址),今晚庆典的地点当然非皇家歌剧院莫数。
Just as China has learned in the past, however, such criticism of moves towards de jure independence can backfire. 然而,就像中国过去学到的经验,这种对“法理台独”的批评往往产生反作用。
Just as He was about to hit the carriage return - and with the system $500 ahead in God's blackjack game (God holding 20 for a thousand-dollar pot) - the system crashed. 正当他要揿下回车键时——此时,在21点游戏中,系统以$500领先于神——系统崩溃了。
Just as I gave the final push , my hand found a rope over the end of the ship . 我刚推完最后一掌,我的手忽然碰到大船上挂下来的一条绳子。
Just as I made the last turn, I snagged something. 就在我转最后一个弯时,我钩住了什么东西。

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