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As the storm increased, the men on the raft surrendered all hope.

As the state of my health prevents me at present from giving personal attention to routine business,I have given my procuration to Mr.W.D.,who assisted me for the past ten years to my perfect satisfaction. 由于本人目前身体欠佳,不能亲自处理日常事务,特授权曾协助我10年之久的得力助手W.D.先生代本人签名。
As the state sector has shed its burdens, it has used its improved financial situation to list assets on the stock market and increase investment. 当国有企业卸走了它的负担后,财务状况得到了改善,于是国有企业增加了投资,到证券市场上上市融资。
As the status chasm manifests, he knows he doesn't match her for mate. 地位的悬殊让他知道,他其实“没有真正的权利去摸她的手。
As the stories of his son's gallantry continued to reach him, fatherly pride and satisfaction began to ease his grief. 当他不断地听到儿子的英雄事迹时,父爱的骄傲和欣慰开始减轻他的悲伤。
As the stories spread across China this week, played prominently in newspaper headlines and on the Internet, a manhunt was announced midweek for Heng Tinghan, the foreman of one of the kilns, where 31 enslaved workers were recently rescued. 这起事件在本周席卷了整个中国,此时在周三一份对衡庭汉的通缉令登上了报纸头条和因特网,在他任包工头的砖窑里,最近救出了31名被奴役工人。
As the storm increased, the men on the raft surrendered all hope. 暴风雨增强时,橡皮艇上的人交出全部希望。
As the storm was approaching, the fisher-men were threatened by dangers of the most perilous nature. 风暴正在来临,所以渔民们受到迫在眉睫的危胁。
As the story goes, Buddha has ever said: Truth is bitter at the beginning but sweet at the end, while lie is opposite.When lies are revealed, it's very bitter. 据说佛曾说过:真理开始是苦的,但最后是甜的,而谎言在开始是甜的,但在最后是苦的当它们暴露出来。
As the story goes, this frequency fence made it very difficult for the frequencies of light-information-to penetrate. 作为欺骗继续,这频率栅栏使它很难让频率光信息传入。
As the story is told in the Homeric Hymn, the Hymn to Hermes, Maia was a nymph, but Greeks generally applied the name to a midwife or a wise and gentle old woman, so the nymph appears to have been an ancient one, one of the Pleiades taking refuge in a cav 作为一个流传了《荷马史诗》的故事,每亚是一位美丽的少女,但希腊人通常把她的名字加于接生婆或者明智和文雅的老妇人身上,因此美丽的少女已经成为了古老的一位,昴宿星团的其中之一,到阿卡狄亚的山洞里寻求庇护。
As the story unfolds, we learn more about Max's life. 随着故事逐渐展开,我们对麦克斯的生活了解得更多了。

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