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Air emboli lodge distally in the smaller arteries and arterioles of the brain and obstruct the flow of blood.

Air consists chiefly of nitrogen. 空气主要由氮气组成.
Air cooler of air compressor, end cover opened, waterside surface cleaned with brush. 空压机冷却器,端盖打开,水面用毛刷清洁。
Air crew must love, love-made fighter; friendship first, competition second. 队员必须热爱空战、热爱国产歼击机;友谊第一,比赛第二。
Air dry the chain and then flex it to break any bonds the lube may have created between contacting surfaces. 风干链条(可能是种特殊的物质,肯定不是金属,应该是植物纤维之类的东西)再弯曲折断任何联结,则在接触面之间可能产生润滑剂。
Air drying causes cells to flatten out on the slide instead of being fixed in a more round or 3-dimensional configuration. 简释:风干导致细胞变平,而固定良好的细胞呈现更圆或三维立体结构。
Air emboli lodge distally in the smaller arteries and arterioles of the brain and obstruct the flow of blood. 空气栓塞症发生后,意识的改变是最常见的症状,其程度由方向感辨识不清到昏迷等。
Air energy heat pump water heater units are currently the safest, most energy-saving, environmental-friendly and comfortable water heating devices in the world, which are widely used in hotels, restaurants, schools, hospitals, pools, saunas, factories and 空气能热泵热水机组是目前世界上最安全、最节能、环保、舒适的热水设备,广泛应用于宾馆、酒店、学校、医院、泳池、桑拿、工厂、家庭别墅等。
Air fares vary from one airline to another. 航空公司的机票价格各不相同。
Air filtering pressure reducing valve, solenoid valve, valve location feedback device, valve gate locator, quick exhaust valce. 空气过滤器减压阀,电磁阀,阀位反馈装置,阀门定位器,快速排气阀。
Air flowing through the shell or cup has also been suggested as a possible cause, but experiments in soundproof rooms have disproved this. 在贝壳或杯子里流动的空气,也被认为是产生声音的可能因素之一,然而在隔音的房间里所做的实验已将这个可能推翻。
Air force is an important component of national defense. 空军是国防的重要组成部分。

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