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The former prime minister is a recognized, farseeing politician.

The former premier was generally recognized as a farsighted politician. 前任首相是一位公认的有远见的政治家。
The former president could be executed if found guilty of the Dujail killings. 如果这位前总统被证实了在杜贾尔屠杀中有罪的话,他将被处死。
The former president first noticed the problem when he suffered shortness of breath during his daily four-mile walk near his home in Chappaqua, N.Y., about 40 miles north of Manhattan. 当这位前总统在他位于纽约查巴克市的住宅附近进行每日四英里的例行散步时,突然感到呼吸出现困难,他开始注意到这一问题。克林顿的家位于曼哈顿以北大约40英里处。
The former president of the Philippines, Estrada,was charged with peculation. 菲律宾前总统艾斯特拉达被指控犯有侵吞国家财产罪.
The former president was buried Wednesday at the Gerald R. Ford museum in Grand Rapids, Michigan. 前总统于周三在芝加哥的R福特博物馆边下葬。
The former prime minister is a recognized, farseeing politician. 前任首相是一位公认的有远见的政治家。
The former prime minister is acknowledged as a farseeing politician. 前任首相是一位公认的有远见的政治家。
The former prime minister is generally acknowledged as a farsighted statesman. 前任首相是一位公认的有远见的政治家。
The former prime minister is known as a far-sighted statesman. 前任首相是一位公认的有远见的政治家。
The former prime minister was a far-sighted politician. 前任首相是一位公认的有远见的政治家。
The former refers to the normal use, including the enlargement in the scope and improvement in the frequency of some words as well; The latter is just on the contrary, mainly showing as the narrowing of the scope and the reducing of the frequency, and qui 前者是指正常的使用,也包括某些词语使用范围的扩大和使用频率的提高;后者正好相反,主要表现为使用范围的缩小和频率的降低,另外还有相当一部分词语由褒趋贬。

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