Marx, Karl, and Fredrich Engels. The Communist Manifesto. (Download text from Project Gutenberg.
马克思和恩格斯合着,《共产党宣言》(请自古腾堡计划下载。 |
Marx, Karl. Preface to A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy .In Marx-Engels Reader, pp. 3-6.
卡尔.马克思,《政治经济学批判导言》,《马克思-恩格斯读本》,第3-6页。 |
Marx, Karl. Selections on Historical Materialism and Alienated Labor.
《历史唯物主义与异化劳动》(篇章选读). |
Marx. Manifesto of the Communist Party.
14马克思→共产党宣言。 |
Marxian philosophy and post-modern theoretical discourse are in the same historical background of this change, and it is in this background that the two are more or less inter-related.
马克思哲学与后现代理论话语均处于这一範式变革与转换的整体时代背景之中。 |
Marxism believes that the world exists outside us and independently of us.
马克思主义认为世界存在于我们之外,而且独立于我们而存在。 |
Marxism human values is the highest main human values.
摘要马克思主义的人的价值观,是以人类为最高主体的价值观。 |
Marxism is the soul of socialistic ideology and the guiding thought of our party.
摘要马克思主义是社会主义意识形态的灵魂,是我们立党立国的指导思想。 |
Marxism possesses the theoretical character of keeping pace with times.
马克思主义具有~的理论品格。 |
Marxism regards that, the proletariat parties should be equal in solving ethnic problems and oppose national oppression that the united and inseparable republics should be founded, and that local and regional autonomy should be conducted according to the
摘要马克思主义认为,无产阶级政党解决民族问题必须坚持民族平等,反对民族压迫;要建立统一的不可分割的共和国;实行民族自决摆脱殖民统治;要根据实际情况实行地方自治或者区域自治。 |
Marxism was introduced into China at the beginning of this century.
马克思主义在本世纪初传入中国。 |