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The centenarian, who grew up in an orphanage and first married when he was 14, joined the Grenadier Guards and served in World War II before switching to the Navy.

The censor insist on excise the passage from the film. 电影审查员坚持剪去影片的这一段。
The censor insisted on excising the passage from the film. 电影审查员坚持剪去影片的这一段.
The censure on Shirley generally falls into two categories: the criticism from the angle of conventional art, and the attack from the ideological point of view. 摘要对《谢莉》的批评大致可以分成两大类:一是从艺术角度;二是从意识形态角度。
The census enumerated eighty-six persons over one hundred years old in this mountain area. 根据人口调查这一带山区共有八十六位百岁老人。
The census is taken one time every four years in our country. 我国每四年一次人口普查。
The centenarian, who grew up in an orphanage and first married when he was 14, joined the Grenadier Guards and served in World War II before switching to the Navy. 百岁老人在孤儿院里长大,14岁时第一次结了婚。他参加过英国精锐部队的近卫步兵,并参与了第二次世界大战,之后又转到了海军。
The center also has over ten young and energetic professors and doctors who are active in the area of procedural laws in China. 中心还有十余名年富力强、活跃在中国诉讼法学领域的教授、博士。
The center crossbar is to extend from end to end at the middle of the frames. 28板腰间的中闩要从这一头通到那一头。
The center distance of the roller on the cradle draft assemble greatly affects the yarn eveness, hairiness and ends breakage. 摘要牵伸装置上罗拉的中心距及其定位对成纱的条干不匀率、毛羽、断头都有较大影响。
The center fielder made a great catch. 中间手接了一记非常漂亮的球。
The center has 2 laboratories that use the virus for research and to make vaccines. 这个中心有两个实验室对病毒进行研究和研制疫苗。

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